men of Reddit, when is a time a woman completely shattered any trust you had in her without even realizing it.

  1. Looking for the tv remote and my wife says she doesn’t have it only for the remote to be found under her cause she sat on it. I never left her alone without standing up first when I looked for the remote again.

  2. Mom was in an abusive relationship. I took a week off from college to come home and move her out as fast possible while he was at work. I woke up at 2 AM, drove 5 hours back home, paying for everything out of my own pocket from my shitty minimum wage college job.

    A month later she is in a relationship with a guy that’s just as, if not more, abusive. They’ve been off and on for years and I just gave up.

  3. Whenever woman starts using something personal in the argument – especially if it’s your relatives.

  4. Fake crying to win a game of uno. If you bring actual tears for something that petty I have zero faith anymore

  5. My step brother is dating a complete narcissist. He used to be a confident person but is now a nervous twitchy wreck.

  6. A girl asked me to give her a dollar and said she’d pay it back. It took me three years of shouting “Where’s my dollar?” whenever I saw her to get her to pay me back.

  7. A friend of mine who was a lady was going through a rough patch after a break up. She ended up getting on tinder and hooking up. And that’s fine, she’s just living her life. But then it came out that she was sleeping with like 4 different guys, some with protection, some without, and all 4 of these dudes were under the impression that she was not sleeping with other people. She knew that and didn’t care to tell them the truth.

    This broke my trust with her. Seeing her treat others so carelessly. Especially when she wasn’t using protection with some of these guys. There can be serious health risk consequences to something like that. But she was also lying to them. I couldn’t trust someone who lied and put others health at potential risk like that. It just kind of a shitty thing to do

  8. After I introduced and socialized her to my kids, my family, my coworkers, and every other aspect of my life and she failed to reciprocate.

    She made her excuses, she shifted blame off herself. I stayed with her for years after, because we had fun when we saw each other. But I knew then she would never be more than my girlfriend.

  9. My wife racked up 30 grand in credit card debt and then borrowed 80 grand against the house.

    The only way I found out was after she died and I regained control of my bank accounts.

    We were months away from losing the house. I make a lot of money, but the balloon payment on the HELOC was going to be thousands of dollars.

    I had to sell the house to get rid of the debt.

    Her family still doesn’t know the full story. They think I moved because I don’t like them. That’s only partially true. But I’d rather they believe that than know the ugly truth.

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