Basically, I met a guy today who I met online and spoke to a lot.
He seemed really into me but was also very forceful and when things didn’t go to plan got very angry.
He kind of forced me into situations that I felt uncomfortable in and then I took him to meet the dog . Immediately the dog started growling at him and barking loads which is uncharacteristic. Is this a sign that I should listen to my gut instincts and not see him again. He’s very charming but also easily angered and made me feel uncomfortable at times

  1. Good grief, no. Your instinct is telling you no, and your dog is telling you hell no. Listen to both!

  2. 100% listen to your instincts as well as the instincts of your dog. If he made you uncomfortable, there’s a problem. Also keep in mind that being charming can often times be surface-value. If his temper conflicts with his charm, then odds are temper is the genuine part of him conflicting with the act. Just make sure to be safe, whatever you do.

  3. You should absolutely see the person again if you like people who get angry when things don’t go their way and who force you into situations you feel uncomfortable in..Otherwise, you probably shouldn’t see him again.

  4. Certainly, always trust the gut. It’s the experience of a lifetime telling you to run a way.

    I could tell you the same thing. That any person who cannot contain his anger for even a short while is bad news, but I’d much rather you just learned to trust your gut.

  5. Definitely stay well clear! Your dog knows best and I’m sure it will happily greet good people.

  6. If you don’t listen to yourself, listen to the dog. The dog clearly said NO.

  7. Listening to your gut can potentially keep you safe. Going out again could potentially be a risk. What’s the best case of going out again? A mediocre date? Just doesn’t seem like a good risk vs reward. I’m sure you can get a different mediocre date where you don’t feel at risk.

  8. I have recently been dealing with the same feeling. Decided to trust my gut, and just calmly left the guy after he started getting loud with me again. Now I have several paragraphs of texts from him which are making it incredibly clear that I made the right call.

    Also, I am not normally a big superstitious person buuuuuut… to me your dog not liking him is a big red flag. Dogs are a great protection from creepy guys.

  9. People who are manipulative tend to be quite charming!

    The fact he kind of forced you into situations that made you uncomfortable and he gets angry when things don’t go to plan is a red flag.

    And you literally just met him; like really? No good! Definitely keep a distance from him.

  10. Trust your gut. You can read a book called The Gift of Fear online for free.

  11. Don’t ignore your gut, and if you are going to ignore your gut…Don’t ignore your dog’s. Every time I’ve ignored that feeling I’ve wished I didn’t.

  12. You owe him nothing. Just tell him, “Sorry, we are not a match,” block him, and move on. There is nothing rude in doing this. Please never ignore your gut, your dog, or red flags! Anger issues are MAJOR red flags.

  13. This is him on his best behaviour and trying to impress you, and he still couldn’t keep his shit together. I wouldn’t see him again. Sounds like he needs anger management but that’s on him to get.

  14. I’ve got a cat, an angry cat, who tends to not like anyone on first meeting. The thing is, he’s still respectful about it. He’ll swipe and hiss but he’s never actually hit anyone on first meeting them, or even on second. He has proven, time and again, to be an excellent judge of character though. Eventually, he’ll settle down with everyone who regularly comes over and either stop interacting with them or treat them like he does my daughter (neutrally, with the occasional positive interaction), or he’ll get more aggressive and not let up. Every person he’s ever continually negatively interacted with has turned out to be a garbage person. I get not feeling like you can trust yourself, especially if you’re skittish by nature because I’m the same way, but trust your pet. They’re sure of themselves and they know.

  15. Yea listen to your dog they’re never wrong ghost this guy ASAP your dog has your best interests at heart 100% and your gut instinct in a sense do too

  16. If he makes you feel uncomfortable and forces you into situations you don’t want to be in, trust your gut and don’t see him again 🚩

  17. The dog is likely reacting to you and the fact that you don’t feel comfortable, and yes, you should listen to yourself. You don’t owe anyone anything. If someone making you uncomfortable, date or friend, you don’t have to keep hanging out with them until they definitely cross a boundary instead of making you uncomfortable.

  18. Your dog is reacting to your feelings about this guy. Does the dog’s (your) reaction indicate this is a guy you should see again?

  19. The dog should not be the barometer of your normal human reaction to someone who’s angry that you just met.

    No, you shouldn’t see someone who’s forceful and angry and forcing you into situations you feel uncomfortable with. You shouldn’t need Reddit for this one, frankly.

  20. Yeah

    Scratch that guy off the list potential serial killer.
    2 meetings and he’s forceful

    Hard pass
    Good luck

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