She owes me 65. (I lent her 35 to help her buy school supplies for her kid. Then she asked for 20 for pizza for her kid. She then sent me 25 for it. Then she asked for 35 just to have cash til she got paid the next day bc the banks were closed.

It’s not a lot but it would be nice to have as I don’t have a lot of cash right now. I feel awkward asking for it back because she’s pregnant and expecting a baby in a few months. Should I cut my losses on it?

How would I kindly send a message just asking to pay some of it back at least? I don’t want to come across as rude

  1. You could try something like, “Hey, how are you doing? I hope this isn’t a bad time, but do you think you could get me back some of the money I leant you?I just want to make sure we’re even before both of us forget, thank you!” Maybe?

  2. Hey – I had some unexpected expenses and I need that $65 you owe me. Can you venmo or should I come by to pick it up?

  3. “I could really use that money you owe me. Can you get it to me this week?”

    In general DON’T lend money to people, or at least not money you can’t afford to lose. Look at it as a gift, not a loan, because it oftentimes ends up BECOMING a gift and destroying a friendship in the process.

  4. You could say something like “Hey [friend’s name], I hope all is well with you and your kid. I just wanted to check in and see if you’re able to return some of the money you borrowed from me? I understand if it’s not possible right now, just let me know. Thanks.”

  5. I owe a friend £135; my income was a bit sketchy for a couple of months due to my housemate moving out, so now I’m paying the equivalent of both our rent, and energy bills doubling, which meant that I now have to pay 4x what I was only a few months ago, here’s what he sent me a few days ago:

    Him: Don’t suppose you have any idea
    when you will be able to pay me back
    at all?

    Me: On the 16th.

    Him: Excellent thank you

    If I wasn’t able to pay the full amount back, I would have at least offered to pay what I could this month and specified how long it would take for me to pay him back the total; communication and respect are key.

  6. I hate these situations its really awkward. People who ask you for money are generally speaking not of the best quality. It is their responsibility to give you back the money within a reasonable time, without you having to ask.

  7. If you wanna be specific: “Hi. I need the money I lent you back by *specific date*”

    If you wanna be nice about it: “Hi. I would really appreciate if you could pay me back within *x amount of days or weeks*”

    If you wanna be dominant about it: “Hi. I’ll be coming by to pick up the money you owe me tomorrow around 5pm. You can also send them online if you want to”.

    If you wanna be threatening about it: “Hi. I will send someone over tomorrow to get the money you owe me. Would be best if you have them in cash”.

  8. My mom taught me this:

    Don’t expect to get back anything that you ‘loan out’. Not your sweater. Not your jeans. Not food. *BUT especially, not money*. Consider it (whatever you loaned out) gone.

    You may want to cut your losses on the money that you’ve already loaned out, and stop giving any more from here on out until she shows the initiative to pay back the initial amount. It sounds like these small ‘money loans’ could start breeding resentment in your friendship if it hasn’t already.

    Let her build that financial trust back. No more ‘loans’.

  9. Hey, send the money or Mario will visit you tomorrow…
    -> Mafia?
    (And he will treat you like a goomba.) ->To make a Death-Threat funnier 🙂

    Edit: Spelling

  10. **How would I kindly send a message just asking to pay some of it back at least? I don’t want to come across as rude**

    It seems it’s my turn at trouble and I’m in a squeeze, I could really appericate if you repaid my loan as it’s ugly on my end at the moment.

    That said, let this be a life lession. I don’t lend people money, but I will give people money if:
    1: I can afford to do so without dodging my own bills.
    2: I have a personal connection to the person asking.

    If I know you, we are friends (and by that I mean real friends) and I see you in a pinch, I would sooner give you a c note. This loan/debt dynamic makes things awkward between people. Give it away or don’t, but don’t do loans.

  11. Lend the money and you loose the friend

    Never lend the money or if you wanna lent, give them without intention of getting it back!

  12. My advice is to ask but I’m in the same situation have not asked or done anything about it

  13. In the past I’ve given money (not a lot) to friends in a pinch. If they never pay me back, it fine…. But the next time the ask for any amount of money I say I can’t afford to cuz they never paid me back the last time. Then you stick to it, non negotiable. This is actually one way to get money back lol or get em to stop asking you for money at least

  14. You’re lucky she only owes you $65. Don’t go collection agency on her… here’s why. If she offers to pay back the debt, great, accept it back. But if she doesn’t or forgets to then the next time she asks to borrow money tell her no because she hasn’t paid back her debt. You don’t ever have to lend her money again. She sounds pretty unreliable so your fortunate you didn’t loan her several hundred or a couple grand.

  15. Wait, this person is constantly asking for cash to help with their kid and is now pregnant with another? I don’t understand why people keep having kids when they can’t afford them.

    Just straight up ask for it back, maybe it will be easier over text. They’re not your financial responsibility, plus she doesn’t seem to care much that you’re low on cash even though you’ve been helping her out.

  16. ‘Hi mate, hope you’re good. Is it ok to grab that $50 this week? Got some bills in.’

  17. You mean you lent them, not they lent you…. Just send a note….saying you’re short and need the money you loaned.

  18. Are u the paapii? Lol (Bernie mac voice) cuz ummaaaaa sis, where’s my Bread?!?! Lmaoo

    U can say it like that, If y’all close enough. Lol

    But serious question tho, u doing a lot for this kid. Lol

  19. Don’t explain yourself. Only explain your understanding of your agreement.

    Either he will have to explain where the dissonance between yours and his perception of said agreement lies, or he will have to fulfill his end of it.

    Alternatively he’s a lying piece of shit who openly challenges you – and all bets are off.

    Trust me on this one. It’s all about forcing confrontation or compensation. I have extensive experience on the subject.

  20. I had a friend constantly asking for $20 here and there, with promises of paying me back but never actually doing so. Last time they asked, I told them to download the Dave app and Earnin. Not sure if they actually did that or not, lol but I haven’t been asked since 🤷🏼‍♀️

  21. id stop loaning money to this person honestly, but i try to avoid loaning money to *anyone* so that might be just me

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