I am having a hard time trying to process this! I’ve been told that my expectations aren’t really to much. Long story short, I’ve been married for 15 years now! My wife and I have great sex for her. She was sexually assaulted when she was in high school. There isn’t a lot of touching me from my wife. There honestly has never been. Whenever I bring this up, it turns into this pity feast about how I don’t enjoy giving her pleasure, which absolutely not true! She gets all the pleasure. I make sure that I give her multiple orgasms, and I absolutely love doing it! It typically goes from that to intercourse and we’re done. My wife used to give me occasional oral sex, but that stopped because she will sometimes have flashbacks, though she’s done so recently and told me it felt nice. She has taken oral sex off the table for me, and doesn’t expect it from me, but I love to give it. We’ve talked about doing other things like pegging or anal for me, or foot jobs, as I do love feet. The only problem is she doesn’t take care of her feet, so I would probably end up not enjoying the foot job. I’ve asked her to take care of them, offered to take of them (I’m quite good) and I’m even willing if to pay. She doesn’t bring any of these up. She doesn’t try. She just receives. Even recently she ask for me to cuddle with her extra after sex and I gladly do it, and still nothing in return. I know this post is a rambled mess, and that sex isn’t quid pro quo, but I do feel like if your partner wants something, then you work to give it to them. There is a lot more to this that doesn’t pertain.

What are your thoughts on this situation? Do I have unrealistic expectations, of giving your all to pleasure your partner or at least meeting them halfway?

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