Me (18F) and my best friend (17F) have known each other for years, and she’s my best friend in the entire world. I value our friendship more than anything and I don’t know what I’d do without her.
The problem is that I’ve fallen crazy in love with her, and I’d like to tell her how I feel, but I’m worried that it might damage our friendship if it turns out she doesn’t like me back. (And just in case anyone is wondering, I’m a lesbian and so is she, so her being the same sex as me isn’t an issue.)

Is it worth telling her how I feel? And if so, how do I do it?

TL;DR: I’m in love with my best friend but I’m too scared to tell her.

1 comment
  1. That’s tough because it could put a strain on your existing relationship if the feeling isn’t mutual and things get awkward. But then again, I think it’s worth shooting your shot and subtly asking her if she’s been interested in or seeing anyone.
    You’ll never know if you don’t ask. Just be prepared to not make it awkward and to accept it if the feeling isn’t mutual. I’m sure if you both have a good understanding of one another, something like this wouldn’t get in the way.

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