In the moment did you understand what was happening and why?

In retrospect do you think that it affects your current relationship; parental, romantic, sibling…?

  1. Eh I didn’t really care

    My mom seemed really happy when it was all finalized

    I got some great Half/step siblings out of it and a great step father

  2. Really positive. They both were kind enough to not drag the relationship so me and my sister didn’t have those “our parents would fight all the time, home was awful” story.

    I also got lucky in the fact that they both understood that before being ex partners, they are parents. Up until today with me and my sister being adults we still have family dinners with both of them and our step parents or simply just hang out, they text each other as friends too. They love each other, they are just not in love.

  3. I was 4 at the time, so I don’t think I even comprehended what was happening. I think that the lack of father in my life affected me a lot. Mostly negatively. My mom raised me as best as she could with limited resources she had. To compensate for the lack of a husband she had to become stronger and more ruthless. She wasn’t a perfect mother, but I love her. At current point in my life I am still fixing the damage. Slowly, but surely.

  4. I understood what was happening, and I damn sure understood why. Nothing could’ve made me happier. If it hadn’t’ve happened, I’d probably be dead, locked up, or well on my way to one of the above on account of the terrible fucking environment my alcoholic dad with a temper created for everybody in the home but me especially. Every single day from birth to the age of twelve and then some was a fight. The only complaint I had was that it ought to have happened a whole lot earlier.

  5. I was like 12 or 13 so I understood fine. It was good in some ways and bad in others. It’s definitely changed my whole life but I don’t have any feelings on it, it’s just something that happened.

  6. pretty negatively

    step mom was an alcoholic, and became verbally and emotionally abusive towards my brother and I, going as far as to tell us that we’re the reason why our bio mom tried to kill herself.

    my dad’s total involvement in my childhood was 2 weeks a year and monthly child support payments.

    to this day my relationship with my dad is virtually non existent

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