Men… why we put up with bad sex?

  1. I’d have to say for the most part, Beggars can’t be choosers. Plus, you don’t know who is going to be bad sex until it’s too late. Women put up with sex without an orgasm, so we’re not the only one.

  2. The average man has a hard enough time getting any sex. Bad sex > no sex if you don’t have options.

  3. I don’t. Too many people want to get their body count up and lower their standards. I don’t really give a shit I don’t want it unless I kind of have an idea she’s probably good in bed.

  4. Putting up with things is kind of what men do.

    We’re born, we put up with things and then we die.

  5. I guess because of a combination of horny and it being seen as men’s responsibility to perform in the bedroom. It would be understandable that some guys grow tired of it and only seek to pleasure themselves after awhile.

  6. Sunk cost fallacy might apply here but basically getting the relationship is harder than getting the sex once you are in the relationship.

    Plus any action is better than no action

  7. Because of how mentally and emotionally taxing it can be to get any sex at all.

    Also the sunk cost fallacy, especially since it really does take a lot of time and investment to get sex for most men who are not able to just casually go out and find a desirable woman and seduce her over the course of several minutes to an hour.

  8. Because pump n dump is way easier than trying to teach someone something they’ll never get better at anyways.

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