How long does it take you to regret a breakup and what do you do if you do?

  1. 1st question: Just 1 and that was at the time. Looking back it was the right choice but it was fr like a year+. Other girls ive talked to there grew a mutual disinterest and got over those in less than a week but thats different ig

    2nd question: If dates arent going well i have before. I think its more of “damn, this would be going way smoother if it was ‘her’ ” but thats not really a thought if things are going well.

  2. first one. No. There was always a reason we broke up. If a relationship is not salvageable, for example if one of the pair cheated, then a breakup might be necessary.

    Second. No. I don’t compare. That would be unfair and immature. I learned from my last relationship and moved on. Digging stuff up and projecting to a new partner about what ifs, isn’t okay.

    third. See answer to first question. What would i do about it? Sit with your emotions and after a while, you might be able accept the situation for what it is. You have to move on, or your next relationship experiences might be tainted by it. See it as a fresh start and not as a bandaid.

  3. I live with it.

    If I broke up with someone it was for a legitimate reason. If that reason was illegitimate, then the least I can afford them is not having to deal with my wish washy ass.

    I did regret breaking up with my first real GF, but at the end of the day it was for the better.

    I don’t compare my women, however I will occasionally notice when something my current partner does juxtaposes something my exes didn’t.

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