Just done myself on NHS BMI calculator, and I just barely scrape into the ‘healthy weight’ bracket. Probably was in the amber over weight bracket a couple of months ago.

For me to be slap bang in the middle of the green bracket, I’d have to be a weight I’ve not been at since a teenager!

  1. Honestly BMI just doesn’t seem a good thing to go by. I have a friend who is 6ft6’ and he gets told he is unhealthy according to BMI, but if he were to sit in the healthy weight zone, he’d look absolutely malnourished and ill. He is entirely healthy and looks great but practically hits ‘obese’. I ignore BMI when it comes to telling you if you’re a healthy weight or not.

  2. 22.6. I’m happy with my size but I’m a bit flabby with not a lot of muscle. The low end of a healthy BMI for me would mean being 47.5kg and I literally can’t comprehend losing about ten more kilos!

  3. I don’t know when I last did it so no idea what I am now, but when I was directly in the middle of the healthy range you could literally see all my ribs so I don’t hold much credence to it.

  4. Last time I had it done I was *just* inside the top range of healthy, and I am a gangly beanpole akin to Rodney from Only Fools And Horses.

  5. A few years ago I was Class III Obese.

    Now I’m bottom of Class I obese, nearly Overweight; in BMI terms.

    Should be “Ideal” this year, though the boundaries are disputed.

    The modern thinking appears to be that waist to hip measurement is a better predictor of mortality than BMI.

    Also ignore all this, “Oh what about body builders?” crap – such measurements are not designed for athletes; who instead have everything from water % to body fat % measured. The idea is to have a simple metric which applies to most people.

  6. Last time I checked, healthy weight. It is at the low end of the range though and barely there. I am 5’10 but cannot remember my weight, and I do not have a balance myself to check.

  7. I think because of the general porkiness of society today we have kinda lost the reference point for what size a healthy weight human should be (it’s skinnier than you think!) so to be told you’re overweight can come as quite a shock.

    My BMI is coming in at 27.6, I’m 193cm and 103kg so I know I’m overweight, mostly thanks to Christmas and a dodgy back. Working on shedding some timber now though, would ideally like to be around 90kg come summer time.

  8. 6′ 2, Gym 3 days a week, both weights & calisthenics. Can do 4 sets of 12 pull-ups. Stocky but thin. Overweight apparently.

  9. Obese. I did loose lots of weight and just about scraped into being normal weight. But honestly I was not healthy, was cold all the time and was bordering on having a eating disorder.

    So now I’ve put some more weight (admittedly more than I wanted) but now putting in PBs when cycling up some local hills, even though I’m 4 stone heavier. Moral of the story is don’t base your life on the number the scales or a metric says.

  10. Just checked and apparently I’m obese. It’s not a good measure though since I do powerlifting/strongman and I’m mostly muscle. However it suggests I should be between 54kg – 73kg (90kg now), my wife who is 6 inches shorter than me and is really skinny weighs 50kg so I don’t know how the lower end could be considered healthy…

  11. Used to be dangerously high them my diabetes got out of control and I started losing weight rapidly.

    My diabetic team were all seconded to covid treatment so I had no access to help for 18 months but when they reconvened I got some advice and the weight started going on again. I haven’t checked my weight for months but from the fit of my clothes and the look of my belly I’d assume I’m right in the middle of overweight/mildly obese again and I’m happy with that because I’m not killing myself with the uncontrolled diabetes anymore.

  12. Aside from extremes – anorexic and obese, the statistical abomination that is the BMI is not worth a wank

    more accurate measures are bodyfat %, lean mass and V02 Max

  13. Maxing out the overweight. Even when I was in really good shape, I wasn’t middle range healthy. I’m a bit surprised 60-150 minutes puts you in the “active” category though.

  14. UK has one of the most unhealthiest diets among the developed countries and the nation’s waistline shows it.

    Make fun of the Americans all you want, but you guys are right at their tail.

  15. I am 40 on the scale of BMI, but I am also super short. I would have to weigh half of what I do now to get a normal BMI.

  16. Mine is 17.9. I am underweight as I’m unhealthy due to chronic illness.

    The sad thing is when I’m this weight I get the most compliments on my body, in the past when I’ve managed to get my health under control and had a BMI of 21 people think I’ve let myself go.

  17. I always refuse to take my BMI into consideration. When I was about 18/19 I lost a load of weight through illness which left me down to a size 4/6 dress size, ribs visible, people thinking I was anorexic etc, but because I’m 5’5 and have a naturally very large chest my BMI was still showing me as borderline overweight. We were literally fighting to put weight on me by this point. So damaging to a young girl’s mental health to see that reading!

  18. 29. I’m 6ft 6 so all the gripes.of other tall people on here apply, but I am definitely fat. I will never get to the healthy weight for my height which is 15st 6 at the top end. The last time I was under 15st I was 19 and not really eating much as a student.

  19. That BMI thing is bullshit, it’s outdated and based on the average male body, therefore not taking into account the extra weight women carry and it doesn’t differentiate between fat and muscle weight. It, therefore, shows people like professional bodybuilders and rugby players as overweight.

    I run 5 times a week, I’m a healthy weight , size 8-10 in clothes, yet the BMI thing says I’m almost overweight. *eyeroll*

  20. Exactly one year ago, it was 34.6. It is now 21.3 and I am planning on keeping it that way.

  21. It’s not the greatest measurement, but I must admit it’s about right. I’m at the top end of the green, and if I put on another half a stone it takes me just over into overweight and then people start commenting on my belly (this is where all my weight goes).

    As others have already commented, people have got a lot fatter in modern times and what we used to think of as chunky is now considered a normal weight.

  22. I should be dead. I’m like 40 odd.
    I don’t fit that morbidly obese category though.

  23. 160cm, 46kg with a bmi of 17.9, which apparently puts me slightly underweight. lord knows how bc i don’t eat super healthy or do much exercise at all.

  24. About in the middle; 21-22

    I’m 5’8″ and weight is generally between ten and ten and half stone.

    By modern standards, people call me skinny or slight but a couple of decades ago before so many people were either fat or roid heads I would have been just considered normal.

    The lowest weight at which I would be considered normal for my height is pretty low (I think it was 8 stone 10 or 11) but then plenty of women my height look healthy at that ballpark of weight. For me, when I was quite ill and fell below 9 stone, I looked like a zombie.

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