I meet a girl (we are both 26) from my company at a corporate event in September then I asked to get a coffee together she accepted. The conversation was super good for my point of view. After that I asked her if she were going to join a drinking event hosted by the company she said yes but during that event she didn’t give me almost any attention. She told me that she was very interested in a sport so the day after I asked her to play that sport together. Unfortunately she replied that she wanted to bring a male friend, I know the guy and I think that he is interested in her. After that we basically didn’t talked for two/three months.
Last night we met again during a company’s party she came to talk to me one time, and we talked for around 30 minutes, then after 2 hours she asked to dance with me, she started to dance,in a provocative way to be in a company’s party, so I tried to kiss her on the dance but she moved the head, I tried other two times after 15 minutes but nothing. Then after other 10 min she disappeared.
While we were dancing she told me that during the next two weeks she will send a invite to do something together (I hope so)

Now after the party I left a message on her teams account (at 4 am)- saying that:
I hope that went home safe and that I’m sorry that I wrote that message on her teams messenger, as I don’t have her on any of the social networks

Do you have any advices for this situation?

I can still delete the message cause I thought that she had company’s phone but actually she don’t (So until tomorrow she will not see the message)

Note: we work in different teams in a really large company and is not view as a bad thing to date someone from the firm

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