My Girlfriend is so Clingy and very sensitive.

I’ve been single for a long time and finally got myself a girlfriend. She’s my workmate in the past, and a friend, we talked a lot on chat as a friend and I finally decided to move things up and now we’re in a relationship. We’ve been in relationship for about half a month now. And I just realized that she’s too Clingy and so sensitive, we always text, chat and talk on the phone call, sometimes about an hour or 30 mins more. I feel like I’m forcing myself at this point because I’m getting tired of it, if I don’t hang up on the phone or tell her that I need to do something we would talk nonstop. She’s also sensitive like if I said something that she didn’t like even if it’s not a big deal, she would not talk to me, and text me with dry messages, I need to coax her all the time. She also doesn’t take a no for an answer, and doesn’t like criticism then she’ll cry, and then her friends would text me that I should always be an understanding bf, that if they weren’t there shed kill herself, they’re making me feel guilty as if it’s all my fault, and that what I’m doing for her is not enough. I have a chicken pox right now, I feel dizzy, my head hurts, and I feel hot, but I need to constantly talk to her, she would call all the time, and even if I tell her that I needed a rest she would say that she doesn’t want it and that she wants to talk to me more. I’m having doubts about my decision on entering this relationship, I miss my ME time. I’m afraid to break up with her because she has the history of slashing her wrists and hurting herself. Her friends also told me that I should be a good partner to her, and that If I hurt her they’ll come back at me. I want to fix our relationship where both of us can continue like a normal couple, I’m hoping that there’s a way that I can convince her to give ourselves some space. What should I tell her and how should I tell her that it’s too much and I can’t take it all anymore. How should I say this things to her without breaking up with her and breaking her heart. Please help.

  1. “I love you but you are choking me with attention, I have need for my time alone and it dosent men I don’t care for you, but if you want us to have a future together you need to chill/you need to let me have my own time as well” something like that. If you don’t care about her then just break up ofc

  2. This person is slowly sucking the life out of you.

    She sounds pretty childish, and you can’t stay with someone just because of something they may or may not do.
    You asked her to stop and she hasn’t. Think if that was the other way round and she asked you to stop doing something

    Everything’s about her, she’s got a lot of problems and shouldn’t be in a relationship until shes worked on her issue

  3. I’ve only skimmed this, but that’s not a good situation. Her friends backing her up and telling you she’d kill herself is so majorly screwed up.

    If you can, cut this out of your life and block the people who harrass you. Having a partner is not worth this kind of abuse

  4. Her mental health is not your responsibility. End it and let her people know to get her help.

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