Over a year ago, I ( 25F) met my now boyfriend (26M). At first, we were in a situationship filled with a lot of ups and downs. I made the mistake of telling my mom about the downs, thinking me and him would never actually get into a relationship. Well, my parents absolutely hate him as a result. Cut to several, several months later and a lot of progress, and we’re in a relationship now. I’m absolutely terrified to tell my parents as they’ve made it abundantly clear they don’t like the guy based off of things that happened before we were dating (him messing around with other girls. We weren’t exclusive, so I get it lol). Before anyone tells me that I’m too old to care about what my parents think and that I can do what I want, just for some context, I’m a Hispanic female that lives with her parents. In this culture, doesn’t matter how old you are, what your parents say and want comes first. How in the world should I handle this? Keep the relationship from them as long as I can? Just tell them and deal with them making my life a living hell? Any advice is much appreciated, thank you.

1 comment
  1. I have no idea. But, what if, on some pretext you started talking about his good qualities? If bad mouthing got you both into this, what if you did the opposite? Have him send some flowers to your home? Tell him to demonstrate he cares? Talk to your parents about why and how they formed their opinion? Maybe the discussion will surprise you…Have him talk to your parents eventually?
    I think it’s fair for parents to not like someone until they prove themselves otherwise…

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