Currently watching a Netflix documentary on Bernie Madoff, and it got me thinking that surely there must have been more schemes going on at the time as well as today (although maybe not on such a large scale). What do you think?

  1. Besides the current FTX scandal, there’s tons of fraud, money laundering, and insider trading happening constantly. No doubt about that. You get caught, maybe pay a fine, unless you rip off the wrong people.

  2. There’s always a scheme going on somewhere. The difference is that most will not get to the scale and audacity of Madoff.

  3. I think there are a lot more, but I don’t know what they are.

    Some enterprises approaching Ponzi include Tesla and Crypto.

  4. Yea that’s just one we know of. You don’t get all these billionaires without scheming

  5. Social Security is (somehwhat) a Ponzi scheme.

    It’s a government regulated one backed by the full faith and credit of whatever party is in control of congress. And assumes both continued population and economic growth.

  6. Like my status if you have never heard of Bernie Madoff.

    Comment my status if you have heard of a ponzi scheme but you don’t know exactly what it is lol.

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