I (25M) went yesterday on a first date with this girl (23F) I met on Tinder. We spent a total of 7 hours getting drinks and having a walk around the city, talking about our lives and interests.

She told me she would make me her favourite meal (as she is a great cooker), go out party with me at her favourite club (as we both like to go to nightclubs) and other things. Also she agreed to a 2nd date next week where I would drive her by for a picnic and watch the sunset. Also she complimented me on my outfit and looks.

At the end of the date I went with her to her place, as it was very late just to make sure she reached well, and at the end we hugged and she stared at me, giving me a hint of a goodbye kiss. I understood it and we french kissed for like a minute, and she entered home.

Later, I told her I had a lot of fun at the date and she told me that too.

Usually I’m a tad overthinker and insecure, so I don’t know if she was just compliant and gentle or she really is interested and wants to continue knowing each other. Can you help me mates?

Edit: for a matter of fact guys and girls, she told me about her first tinder date and she told me that she rejected him because he was too pushy for a kiss and she leaned back. I don’t know if that matters too.

  1. I agree it sounds like it went really well for both of you. I wouldn’t bring it up to her (not that you would necessarily do that) but just wait like a day or two and then start up a casual conversation “saw this recipe the other day” “had this funny thing happen to me at work” etc. that’s unrelated to the date. Will give her the opportunity to respond and show u that she’s still interested but (from personal experience) women don’t like when guys text more than once to make sure u had a good time or “confirm” that you’re interested so I’d just not worry about it!

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