How popular is Bubble Tea in your city/town?

  1. I live in the Asian part of town, so there’s a lot of bubble tea places. One shopping center near me has three right next to each other

  2. I’m in Buffalo, NY and it was a pretty big fad here in the early 2010s but it’s basically nonexistent here now. Haven’t heard the term bubble tea in years.

  3. There’s a place by me that has managed to stay in business for 3 years so I’d imagine they’ve got a decent amount of business.

  4. Bubble tea seems to try and break into my area every 20 years or so. In the early 2000s, they popped up everywhere. There was 2 in the mall and a few more scattered around town. No one I knew liked it, they never seemed busy, and by like 2005 they were all closed. Now they seem to be trying to come back. There’s one open that I’ve never seen anyone in and another one with signs saying opening soon. I’m assuming they won’t last long and be followed by another attempt at selling fro-yo.

  5. Very big because my town has a lot of Vietnamese and Korean people. My school’s population is 93% asian actually, we do bubble tea fundraisers. I personally hate the taste of the tea so I avoid it like the plague

  6. Very popular up in the Bay, less so down in LA but there are still plenty of stores.

  7. In seattle we have a pretty big Asian-American population so it’s pretty popular here

  8. Popular enough for there to be multiple shops when my town only has 10k people living in it

  9. I live a few blocks from Chinatown. I think I could get bubble tea from a dozen different places within a fifteen minute walk.

    I’m not a big fan myself, as much as I do enjoy tea in general.

  10. I don’t know, because I’ve never tried it and I can’t remember the last time I saw it in a store or anyone drinking it.

  11. I live in West Florida and it’s not popular here at all. I think there is one store that specializes in it. Besides that there are the chain stores that added it to their menus but it’s not legit bubble tea. Like sonic.

  12. It’s pretty popular in Seattle. I used to get bubble tea in college but I don’t drink as much sweet stuff as I used to.

  13. Oklahoma City metro has a thriving Asian District, a major University and a military base. So it’s actually pretty popular, and easy to find, despite what Kevin Durant or David Chang’s friends think.

  14. Is bubble tea boba? If so, it’s fairly common down here in Los Angeles County.

  15. Doesn’t exist. I’ve never had it and I’ve never seen it at any of the Cities I’ve been to. That last part may be due to not knowing where to look.

  16. It’s, I assume, not very popular where I live because there aren’t really any restaurants in town. It’s fairly popular in the more populated areas that have more Vietnamese restaurants.

  17. I live in the suburbs I think it’s kinda popular. If I drive towards San Jose or SF it’s much much more popular.

  18. There are more boba places near where I live than there are Starbucks. The area I live in has a fairly large Asian population (mostly Filipino) so it might be more common here than it is in other parts of San Diego but there’s probably not anywhere in the metro area where you are more than a 5-10 minute drive from a boba shop.

  19. It’s common in most Asian restaurants as a drink option. I often see booths that serve it at street fairs. I’ve never seen a store that only has bubble tea.

  20. Just to add to the echo of other Californians/Bay Areans saying it’s extremely common here.

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