Hello there redditor, I am sorry if this is not the appropriate sub.

So I am a guy, my cousin came to visit me and my family last summer and she came with a friend (F), they stayed here for a week and it was very nice. At first when I met my cousin’s friend I was not attracted ,physically speaking, I am not saying she is ugly, she is definitely very pretty but that just was not in my mind when I met her, the thing is that we hung out for that week and I felt connected to her so well, I felt so compatible since she likes so many things that I also enjoy, she was also very polite and very respectful, things that I value the most about someone. Biggest thing about this is that I have never felt anything like this with any other girl before, I have been with a few other girls before but nothing compared to what I felt with this girl, it was a different kind of feeling that I can’t express, I don’t think it’s love but it’s definitely some attachment and it is crazy since it was only a week but I felt so good hanging around with her and felt so empty when they left. Furthermore I never tried to flirt with her or do anything inappropriate to let her know that I like her since she was staying in another country at our home with strangers, to put it that way, so I didn’t want her to feel forced or uncomfortable in any way.

The thing is that recently my mom and her sister (my aunt and mother of my cousin) had a conversation about this topic and my aunt told my mother that my cousin’s friend also likes me back, not only that but her mother also told her that I am attractive and we should keep in touch, the girl is very shy tho, and I am an introvert, so the biggest issue here is that as I said before, they live in another country, my natal country, and me and my family moved to another country since I was a kid so now it can be difficult, in my opinion, to keep in touch with her, I will definitely ask for her number but the thing is that I don’t know if this can even work since we live in other countries, but if there is a minimum chance I will definitely try, nonetheless since she is very shy and I don’t wanna come of as rude or impertinent I am asking for your advice on what should I do and how should I approach her without being disrespectful.

Thank you so much for your help!

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