What’s a life lesson that took too long to process or apply to your life?

  1. Learning that life does NOT end after 25!! Too many people think women shrivel up and turn into old ladies after your early 20s and I learned that is not the case. The closer I get to 30 the better I feel about myself mentally and physically. I have really grown into my looks and my body. Don’t let anyone tell u otherwise.

  2. to not get all wound up if something goes wrong (eg a painting, spilling something) mainly if it’s not something that matters that much. i’ve still not mastered it yet

  3. Make my own luck. Create my own opportunities and be more open and assertive about what I want and what I want to achieve.

  4. That you should believe who they are the first time they show you. I wait years before I allow myself to see it for what it is and it kicks my ass every single time

  5. That no external force was going to raise my self-esteem. I would have to learn to love and value myself and then take it from there.

  6. That most friendships are circumstantial. I grew up with the fairytale that I was going to have weekly brunches with a core group of friends. As I got older, my friends moved away, some are trying to raise a family, others are in demanding careers and a few passed away.

  7. That I need to be economical with my emotional resources until the person I was in a relationship with or in a friendship with proved worthy, and even afterwards I needed to re-evaluate the relationship once in a while and adjust accordingly. I realized this rather late in life, when I was ranting about the problems of a friend to my then-partner and they quietly said: “You know that this friend of yours would never invest so much energy into your problems as you do in them, right?”

    Hearing that was physically painful – but my partner was right, and I took their words very seriously.

  8. That my worth is not dependent on my parents’ approval or validation of my life choices.

  9. Not to trust a person’s words but their actions. If someone shows you who they are, believe it.

  10. Aging isn’t a bad thing. I will be 26 this year and I am honestly very ready for it. I think as I age, the wiser and more balanced I feel. I hate how society has perpetuated this idea that women “expire” within the 25-30 age range.

    Don’t listen to others if you didn’t ask. Life is too short to be worried about every little thing people say.

  11. Just love yourself for who you are and what you are. Everything really happens for a reason and we just gotta role with the punches sometimes. Stay positive and grateful we have life. I’m 24 and I’m finally starting to feel comfortable in my skin. I’m not at my ideal weight but who cares. I have many years to get super ripped lol. I love me.

  12. Its okay to not do everything right on the first try,it doesnt make me stupid or useless.

  13. To stop people-pleasing, most of social media is fake, it’s ok to say no, and to treat people the same way they treat you.

    When I was younger, I always felt like I had to act a certain way to keep friends around, like do everything they wanted to do and go out of my way for things. Now I’ve come to realize that I don’t owe anyone more than they owe me.

  14. Expectations. Like people aren’t mind readers but I’d always be quiet and assume people just don’t understand me. I have a voice I’ve started using it.

  15. I am not responsible for other people’s actions. It’s not my job to carry the emotional burden of everyone around me.

  16. “It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day, that’s the hard part. But it does get easier” – Bojack Horseman

    This quote has been really motivational to me since I first heard it, it seems obvious, but it takes hearing it to realise that to make things better you really do have to put in the effort, every day

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