Women with chronic abdominal issues, how did you get better and did you?

  1. I have endometriosis and an intestinal disease. I got surgery ☺️. I continue to get surgery. I take medication. I keep healthy by working out. I allow myself breaks when I need them. I’m not “better” but I’m good

    I have days tho. I feel very depressed at times

  2. They haven’t gotten much better but I faint a lot less. I’m now taking mefenamic acid 🙂

  3. Plant based. Cut out dairy, animal meat, super processed food. More fruits, fiber, and whole foods.

  4. I quit drinking alcohol entirely, after which the dull ache abdominal ache I often went away. It took some time, however.

  5. I was diagnosed with SIBO in 2016 through a breath test ordered by my GI. I also was able to figure out the many foods that I’m allergic to via a skin prick test by my allergist and by trial and error. I’ve taken two rounds of both an herbal regimen and the antibiotic Xifaxan over the past six years to improve my SIBO, and I stay away from foods that I’m allergic/intolerant to. My diet is still very limited compared to most people, but I can tolerate more food than I did before. My diet is basically turkey, a little beef, rice products, gluten free oats, raisins, zucchini, green beans, spinach, and okra. I cook only with olive oil and use sea salt for seasoning. I only drink water, sometimes with lemon and peppermint tea. I don’t eat at restaurants, and I try to avoid eating right before I leave the house. I still deal with morning nausea, but it’s just a feeling that passes and Altoid peppermints tend to help with that. When I get stomach cramps I will use an electric blanket/or heating pad for comfort. I always carry Poopuri toilet spray with me when I go out which is kind of like my security blanket and lessens my anxiety. My stomach problems definitely aren’t cured but they’re better than they were.

    I forgot to mention that I also had a partial hysterectomy for endometriosis when I was 28, and I’m sure that helped since I was in excruciating pain for years and had all kinds of stomach symptoms due to endometriosis.

  6. Did you mean in terms of digestive system? Or the actual abdominal muscles (for example separation after childbirth or other things)?

  7. Oh, that’s easy. I had a big surgery and almost felt like my old self again after the incision was done healing and I started putting some of the lost weight back on.

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