How do you forgive yourself for making a mistake?

  1. You’re not making the right question partner, is not about forgiving yourself is about doing better becoming better for you and for the people around you. Take what you learned from your mistake in your heart and get to know yourself, understand what led you to said mistake so you can grow as a person.

  2. The best way to try is to imagine that the scenario didn’t happen to you, but a close friend or other loved one, and they are telling you the story of what happened. If you can place yourself in the perspective of an outsider, you will usually find your reaction and thoughts far more compassionate and you will realize that you are being much more harsh and critical of yourself than you would of someone else going through the same situation.

  3. My dad always told me to always do the best I can, every day, every moment, and only then you can live without regrets. I try to carry that attitude with everything I do— I might make the wrong judgment call in the moment, but I always know it wasn’t because I wanted to hurt someone, or because I didn’t try to do the right thing. It’s almost always matters of not having enough information, having multiple priorities and balancing them incorrectly or not understanding another perspective perfectly. In that way I can feel badly about the outcome, I can recognize what went wrong and resolve to do better, but I only really hold it against myself badly if I knew I wasn’t being thorough enough, or if I knew I was taking the easier option instead of the best option. It doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with decisions at times, decisiveness is sometimes still hard, but it does make it easier to live with the consequences if it doesn’t turn out right.

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