I am noticing that my girlfriend goes to the toilet every time we initiate sex She will be like ” Wait but I have to go to the toilet” ha ha ha she is so sweet, it’s like every time I know she will do that. I have this question about what she is doing. Like preparing etc ha ha ha should u do the same?

  1. It’s actually recommended for women specifically to go to the bathroom *after* sex to prevent infections. But you can go and clean yourself up or something, extra hygiene is never a bad idea.

  2. You don’t ask what women do in that void that transports them to another dimension…

    You should shower before sex, nothing beats fresh soft skin that’s lightly moistened. Of course, spur of the moments will not go unappreciated, but no one wants to go down on private bits that’s been buried in undies for a whole day. She’ll appreciate it.

  3. I find it considerate for a man to quickly wash his dick with some water before we get going.

  4. She’s probably freshening up. If you want more oral sex, do the same.

    Pro tip: if you are spending the night, decide on that early on. That way you can take a shower, maybe together, then go have sex. And if you get sweaty, shower after so you sleep nice and deep.

  5. She might be cleaning herself up beforehand so she’s more comfortable or she might genuinely be peeing, also so she’s more comfortable. I do this a lot because sometimes I can’t orgasm if I have to pee.

    It’s up to you whether you want to do the same or not.

  6. Personally, if I do it it’s bc the closer I am to orgasm, the harder it is for me to tell if I’m on the edge of peeing or cumming and that terrifies me and takes me out of the moment.

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