So I ended a long term relationship this past summer. Not going to get into specifics, but let’s just say some important reoccurring issues weren’t getting resolved/actions not matching up with words, etc.

A few weeks prior to this I took a new job several hours away, it’s kinda a “dream job” in the field I was wanting to break into, however… Crappy crappy location. Out in the middle of nowhere. Like almost an hour to any town/grocery store lol.
Taking this job and moving down here sort of expedited the need to end that relationship as there was no way I could bring myself to move her down with me/take the “next step”/invest further (we weren’t living together prior).

Anyways… I’m down here living in BFE by myself. Not ideal at all being single. There’s little social life to be had or outlets to meet new people. I can occupy my time; I like to read, draw, exercise, cook, etc. But being lonely and feeling like I won’t be able to find someone as long as I’m down here sucks. Now, I don’t regret ending the aforementioned relationship… That needed to happen and was for the better, being in an unhealthy relationship is not better than being single so please no comments like “well it’s your fault you’re single and lonely! you broke up with your gf lololol”

I want something serious/long-term. To find a a good match. I’ve had no luck using dating apps even with my range extended quite a bit. Have had a handful of hookups/fwb’s, but no luck with finding someone to date. EXCEPT for this past week. I matched with someone, we had great conversation, and she suggested we go out. We went out, and the date went great. I liked her even more and really admired her. We had fun, laughed, great banter. She’d initiate holding hands, etc. And hugged and kissed me before we parted ways. We talked about going out again and when we were free…. Didn’t text back the next day, then yesterday told me she wasn’t interested in going out again/didn’t see things going further. And I get it, that’s the point of dating. It just sucks given my current situation. Finally meeting up with someone great, then that be the outcome. Great luck lol.

And I preface this with knowing that I’m not Mr. Dreamy super macho man… But, I haven’t really ever had that happen before. I’ve spent most of my adult life in two long term relationships, and I knew both of them liked me before I asked them out. All of the other dates or meetups I’ve ever had I felt like were on my terms. If I didn’t keep seeing someone, it was bc I didn’t want to. *I’d* be the one not wanting things to go further. So I definitely have beaten myself up over being rejected. And again, I know that’s how dating works and perhaps it was good to have a reality check/brought down to Earth. But given my opportunities, I’m “0/1” so to speak. So it doesn’t feel good. It’s not like, “oh well, I have another date 3 days from now” or something.

I can potentially leave here in April. However, I find it stupid to feel like I need to move for the one reason of dating. I’d much rather be able to meet people in person and don’t feel like I have a problem starting conversation/asking someone out. Like I said, I just don’t have opportunities for that right now. I hate dating apps and feel like they’re useless. Have never found success dating someone from online. Both of my previous long-term relationships were girls I already knew beforehand.

Tl;Dr I live in the middle of nowhere right now, am single, and it sucks lol

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