I have a friend who is totally laid low by a girl in his class (university, although he’s older). I get that he’s completely infatuated with her and thinks she’s the best, but from an outside eye it’s only making him miserable. The girl is cute and seems nice enough, but she has a boyfriend that she won’t break up with and continually says she’s trying to open her relationship, supposedly to date my friend also. She gets to a point of basically cheating on her bf and then says “I can’t, I feel too guilty about him” and then my friend gets devastated all over again. What would you say to help a friend get over someone who is clearly not good for him?

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  2. Smack him on the back of the head and tell him to get his shit together. Fucking pathetic.

    However, sometimes you have to let people make their own mistakes. He’ll learn.

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