I’m seeing this girl for 3-4month (no plan to make her my longterm gf) i like her, i’m loyal and good to her. I have unprotected relation with her because she say that she would never sleep with another guy while I’m still with her. I enjoy her presence. I wanna keep seeing her but I can’t because shes a liar. I really don’t wanna just see her for sex, I want someone real to be around with but I can’t stand liars and dishonest people i hate it so much. I told her I can’t hang with you anymore if you continue like this and she promised she won’t lie to me.

Right now, I haven’t seen her in person for two weeks, because im in vacation, but we been speaking everyday until yesterday, when I caugh her sleeping at a guy house and lied to me by saying she slept at her house.(she turned her location off from me that night but her dumbass logged into her old snap account and forgot that she had her location on)thats how i caught her. Ngl im hurt she lied and fucked him (raw most likely I wont be suprised) I overthink and can’t sleep. I don’t wanna speak with her anymore until I can confront her in person. I’ll be home in 3 weeks exactly and her birthday is in two week. Is it okayy to completely ghost her for two weeks till her birthday just to wish her happy birthday and talk to her a bit just after until I come back? because I really dont wanna fake chilll and pretend everything is fine for the next 3 weeks. How is it gonna make her feel if I ghost her like this? And What excuse shoud I say after not texting her for two weeks?

  1. Dude, enough. Reread what you wrote. You know you’re dating a pathological liar yet you are choosing to believe the things you want to believe. The pathological liar told you it was okay to go bare because she’s not with someone else? Dude. DUDE. Wake up. Then go get tested for STDs and hope she’s not pregnant. You cannot trust a pathological liar. Come on now. And no, you should never ghost anyone for any amount of time as part of a plan—that just makes you an abusive asshole and you don’t want to be that. She’s toxic. Your relationship is not healthy. Use this time away to get distance and don’t go back to her. Stop sticking your dick in crazy.

  2. Break up with her now and be done with it. Without trust there is no relationship and you don’t trust her as far as you can throw her. If all it took for her to start fucking other guys was for you to be gone for a week or two, what exactly are you clinging to? Have some self respect, break up with her, block her and do not wish her a happy birthday.

  3. Holy shit – you both suck, and i’m sure you’ve left parts out to make yourself look better.

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