Women with high standards, what are the qualities you look for in a partner that make it hard for you to be with anyone?

  1. Some qualities that make it hard for women with high standards to be with anyone are: they want a man who is successful, has a good sense of humor, is intelligent and well-educated, is considerate and chivalrous, and is good-looking. They also want a man who is comfortable in his own skin and has a positive outlook on life.

  2. Not sure if this qualifies, but I’m in an open relationship, with a history of polyamory.

    It’s always been a requirement that any partner I date live the same lifestyle, or be open to living this lifestyle. It takes a lot of self reflection, emotional intelligence, a deep look at insecurities, and a ton of communication. It’s not for everyone. Many of the people I’ve courted fell short in this department.

    I have a long term partner now, 7+ year together. When we met I made it very clear that this was non negotiable.

  3. I’ve never met anyone who’s not misogynistic and i refuse to settle/beg for self-awareness

  4. That they understand me emotionally. I have a super loving boyfriend that does, but if he didn’t it would be break-up worthy.

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