Did you have discussions prior about engagement/marriage etc? Were there obvious hints they were going to propose to you ?

  1. Well I got pregnant and that was a pretty big hint he was going to propose. Luckily it worked out and are still together.

  2. Nearly 4 years. I knew it would happen soon ish. Knew it happening while we were on the cruise was a possibility. We had endless endless endless discussions about rings and romance and marriage and kids and life. We both came from unhealthy relationships before. We knew how important it was to think and talk everything through.

  3. We’d been together a year and a half. I was expecting it, but mostly because one of his co-workers said something to me. We had a year-long engagement.

  4. We were together almost 2 years and I had absolutely no idea.

    We didn’t have many discussions on it beforehand, other than I didn’t want some big public proposal. He recruited my best friend to help him get ideas for what style I liked and then he had my ring custom made.

    I was absolutely shocked when he proposed, I never saw it coming. Hands down the absolute best day of my life!

  5. She was on the dance team that would dance at our colleges bball games and I played drums in the pep band at the games, that is where we met. We dated for 2 years. We would talk about the future often. I would always tell her: “Just watch, I’m gonna catch you by surprise one day.”

    And I did. 8 years and 1 amazing daughter later here we are.

    Edit: Had a 1.5year engagement so I could finish college.

  6. 2 years.
    I was shocked the night it happened but had a feeling prior to that night that it could be in the near future since we’ve talked about marriage.
    But leading up to the engagement I was completely clueless. There was no weird behavior on his part or anything that made me think it was going to happen.

  7. We’d officially been together for a year (although we’d known each other a little over a year and a half in total) when we decided to get married. About 4 months into our relationship, we had a couple of conversations in which is was made clear that we agreed that the relationship was headed towards marriage.

    He was actually planning a big capital-P Proposal (on stage at a concert), but COVID totally ruined that plan. He came clean about his plan on the day of the canceled concert, and I remember telling him, “Yeah, I know, I totally figured it out.” I didn’t even have a big A-Ha! moment about his Proposal, I just knew that all of the stars aligned so perfectly that that event had to be it. Anyway, a couple weeks later we decided we didn’t want to wait anymore and just went ahead and filed for the paperwork, and were legally married within the month.

  8. I (F) proposed after 5 months. He wasn’t expecting it. We married 3 months later. When you know, you know and when you want something, you go after it. I should add that we are mid 40’s, had plenty of time to heal, and learn from our previous marriages to know what we wanted.

  9. We first discussed it at like 8 months and he proposed at 18 months. We discussed it regularly in the interim. I knew it was coming but kind of didn’t believe it.

  10. We dated 3 months, lived together for three years and when I proposed to her, we had been under the sheets having some fun if you know what I mean.

    I got up when we finished and reached into my dresser drawer and pulled out the ring and proposed to her in our bedroom. Both of us were bare naked. Need not say anymore. 😃

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