Editing to add: I understand how the forbidden fruit kind of thing works in person, but I’m specifically talking about online dating profiles.

  1. Social proof: women want guys that other women don’t think are weird or can’t provide any value. Pictures with other women are co-signing you as valid

  2. You know how duck hunters put out lots of decoys (fake ducks) in the water around them so the ones flying above will see that spot and think “oh that must be a great place since all those other ducks are there”? Same thing.

  3. As a younger guy just out of highschool, I didn’t have many recent pictures of myself other than a few from prom

  4. Maybe for some women it may be a turn on, but I always saw those men as attention starved and trying too hard, so I never cared for them.

  5. You have to pick between the following:

    1.) “He’s hanging out with other girls, I wonder if he’d be loyal/interested in me”

    2.) “He doesn’t seem to hang out with any women, I wonder why women are avoiding him. He might be a creep.”

  6. The theory is that women think “She’s attractive and she wants to hang out with him. I might also.” Dunno if it works that way, but that’s the theory. It’s probably best though if it’s not obviously your girlfriend. Just some generic attractive woman.

  7. You know how when you go out in public, you have an easier time meeting people when you’re out with female friends? Having a woman with you who’s comfortable around you vouches for your trustworthiness.

    In online dating, you capture some of that effect by having pictures with friends and women who are having a good time. It signals that you have basic social skills and enough mental stability to maintain a social life. It’s easier to trust you if you have evidence of other people trusting you.

  8. There’s a freakanomics episode about online dating that concluded that it worked. Like a nice wedding reception photo, the guy in a suit, maybe an attractive cousin in frame. Hit’s the trifecta for women looking at LTR material.

  9. I take a fraction of the picture most other people and so the only reason I would do that is if it’s the best pic of me. And I’d still prob crop her.

  10. I mean, look at Pete Davidson and his dating history, he’s not the best looking dude, but most of his GF’s are very beautiful.

    So naturally, there a “mystery” about him, and now the other women are curious as to why.

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