I’m a virgin and I wanted to have sex because I feel bad about myself. I found a prostitute and she looked good in the photos so I went to her place. She looked nothing like in the photos. I said that at least I’ll loose my virginity so I gave her the money, took my clothes off, she put on a condom and started giving me a blowjob. After 6 minutes I couldn’t get it hard so I got angry and left. Should I worry? Do I have ED? Was it because I didn’t like how she looked? Was it because of emotions? Next time should I take viagra? Help guys this never happened to me I don’t know what to do I’m scared and ashamed of myself.

  1. It’s understandable that you are feeling worried, scared and ashamed after this experience, but it’s important to remember that this is not uncommon, and many people experience difficulty with erections at some point in their lives. It could be caused by a number of factors, including stress, anxiety, fatigue, or the use of certain medications.

    It’s possible that the stress and anxiety you were feeling about having sex for the first time, combined with the disappointment you felt when the woman you met didn’t look like her photos, contributed to your inability to maintain an erection. Additionally, it could also be that you didn’t find her attractive, or that you didn’t feel a connection with her.

    As for next time, it’s important to remember that sex should be with someone that you trust and feel comfortable with, not just to lose your virginity. It’s also important to remember that it’s normal to have trouble getting an erection sometimes, and it doesn’t mean that you have ED or that there is something wrong with you.

    As for using Viagra, it’s a prescription medication that’s only available with a doctor’s prescription and it’s not recommended to use it without consulting with a doctor.

    Lastly, it’s important to remember that sexual experiences are not the measure of a person’s worth, and it’s ok to take your time and wait for the right person and circumstances.

  2. You gave up after 6 minutes?! That’s the bit I’m worried about!

    Nerves, anxiety, technique, health, all that stuff plays a part in this. Particularly if it’s your first time, you need to give yourself a chance to relax!! Penises do what they do.. hard. Soft.. whatever, we can’t always control it. You had paid something with an implied agreement that an orgasm would be received. 6 minutes is barely enough time to become comfortable with someone you’re meeting for the first time, let alone expecting yourself to be comfortable having your bits in the hands/mouth of said stranger and achieve an erection! ♥️

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