Men who never got married and still living a life of controlled debauchery – How did your life turnout? any regrets/ how awesome is it?

  1. Well, it’s been quite a ride! I’ve experienced the highs and lows of life, but overall I’m content with the way things have turned out. There are definitely moments when I wish that I had settled down and found a steady partner, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that living a life of controlled debauchery has its own set of benefits. It’s awesome in its own way and there are no regrets!

  2. I don’t really think my life has turned out any differently than it would have if I had gotten married. I’ve always been a bit of a wild child, so I’m not sure marriage would have changed that. I do regret not having children, but other than that, I don’t really have any regrets. My life is pretty awesome!

  3. Controlled debauchery? I guess it is being able to have almost absolute freedom. I live on a small ranch with bros since childhood in rural Texas.

    I see a couple of escorts and FWB. One is a killer masseuse. I can drink, smoke, get high and eat whatever I want.

    Still would trade the freedom for a loyal wife and family, but not the friends. They’re staying no compromise on that.

  4. What about getting into a nonmonogamous marriage and continuing to live a life of controlled debauchery?

  5. That was me up until 38. To be clear I am never getting married but I am in a long term common-law relationship now. The short version on that is I largely view marriage as a legal contract designed to trap and penalize the higher income partner and make it difficult for them to get out intact if that becomes needed. I’ve seen enough divorces happen at this stage of life I just know better now.

    Pros of a live-in long term: Easier access to sex, better environment for raising kids.

    Pros of living on your own without long terms: Variety for sex, control you own time, no arguing or fighting about anything, you don’t have to compromise with someone all of the time on everything, no relationship stress, peace and quiet anytime you want. Its basically dealing with life on your own terms.

  6. I slept with a LOT of women in my 20s, but in my mid 30s, I honestly wish I was married sometimes. There were a couple women I would have settled down with if I had had the chance, so I know I Could get married, it just didn’t happen.

  7. I live a pretty fun life for a 39 y/o and was able to skip the rash of divorces that many of my friends have gone through because I never settled when I was younger. There are probably 3 girls I’ve dated that I feel pretty confident saying many guys would have just wifed up and got married like they thought they were supposed to. I’d also be able to confidently say I wouldn’t have been happy if I did marry any of those girls. I get to spend all my money on things that I enjoy and none of my money on things that I don’t. As far as regrets, I wish I did more to actually try and find the right person when I was younger because I do prefer to be in relationships and would probably rather be happily married, even though there is a chance that I just like the idea and not the actual realities of that. I now also know if I want to have kids of my own I will most likely have to target girls a few years younger than me to make that a reality. Many great women come back on the market at my age but a lot have their kids and don’t want more. Would be nice to have had a real date at all the weddings I’ve gone to and been able to go on more romantic vacations. It’s a very mixed bag being single at this age.

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