I feel fucked up for even thinking this… I made a post about a week ago about my (unemployed) husband having to constantly visit a lonely senior, who helps out with his errands for hours for free.

So recently my husband and I got into an argument because I quit my job. I quit my job last week because next month I will be going to bootcamp for the army, I will be gone for months. I thought I would use this time to enjoy life a bit, spend some time with my husband and family. My husband said I was being irresponsible and literally said “if I was your boss I would hate you.” So, I explained to my husband again why I quit, and all he said was “OK” and left. I vented to my sister [22] about it. We were on facetime, and she asks “well where is now?” And I said he’s with the senior. My sister started saying its ridiculous how I’m leaving soon and he’s spending all his free time with the senior, and there there’s nothing wrong with me quitting my job. She also mentioned it was very obvious the senior has a crush on my husband, she’s noticed him checking my husband out.

Later that day, my sister stopped by and mentioned that to my husband. My husband was pissed, and privately told me I should stop telling my sister about our relationship. I apologized about this, I explained to him I was really upset and just venting. Then, he said that he will never mention the senior again, and will never take us to see him again. I’m thinking to myself… wha? I don’t fucking care to see the senior. However, he apologized for what he said about me quitting my job.

I brushed over the whole senior thing because I just don’t know how to feel anymore. I couldn’t believe how defensive he got. I am thinking, maybe I am selfish for expecting my husband to drop all his “plans” to be with me. I still see my husband every night after he’s done with the senior. And this is fucked up, I may be paranoid, but I went down on him yesterday and I saw a couple of long silver hairs. My husband is super young and has dark pubic hair. What do I even do anymore? Should I bring up this weird relationship again at the risk of sounding crazy?

  1. > And this is fucked up, I may be paranoid, but I went down on him yesterday and I saw a couple of long silver hairs.

    Why didn’t you hold them up and ask about them right then and there?

  2. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck odds are pretty solid it is a duck. Honestly just ditch this guy and get it over with. This relationship is over the moment you go to basic anyway so go ahead and rip off the band-aid. I promise if you are having problems now all going into the military is going to do is make it 1000 times worse.

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