
  1. I see a dozen cars a day that shouldn’t even be on the road, that’s just part of life on the not so good side of Chicago.

    And no, you usually don’t want to draw the attention of the kinds of people driving busted up junkyard cars at strange hours.

  2. Sometimes people forget to turn the lights on when it’s that dusk time, or if a place is that lit up you don’t notice so I’ll give them a quick flash, same if they’re driving with high beams on

    Can’t really do much to convey broken or out signal lights, if we’re going to the same place I might give them a heads up if it’s reasonable, better me then getting pulled over or in an accident I figure

  3. I mean if they’re in their car and I’m walking past, I might say something if I see something, other than that, they’ll find out sooner than later

  4. If it is someone who I know, I will let them know. Something I’ve noticed about people who drive for long periods of time with burned out lights is that they typically don’t give a shit until they have to.

    Example: I knew a girl who had a burned out headlight. I told her about it and even offered to fix it. She thought I was an idiot. She later got pulled out for having a headlight out and -gasp-… got arrested because she had a warrant for an unpaid ticket. Fucking dumbass.

    I knew another girl, who I was dating at the time, that had a similar situation. She didn’t take care of her car and a headlight was out. She pretty much didn’t care and refused to fix it. As you can guess, she got pulled over. Except she had just left a dinner with coworkers where she drank a beer, and the cop smelled the beer. She passed a field sobriety test and didn’t go to jail… luckily… After that she asked me replace her headlight.

  5. If they don’t notice their headlights are off and don’t get the hint of flashing lights at them I will roll down my window and knock on theirs to get their attention.

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