Men, how do you like your steak?

  1. It will vary slightly with the cut, but generally medium rare is the sweet spot for texture and flavor.

  2. I like mine rare, maybe with a Diane sauce (although other sauces are also good)

  3. Generally medium-rare, but if it’s a good cook making it, medium.

    Good cooks are able get a perfect sear and a thin gray edge with a completely pink middle. A steak is juiciest at this point and therefore the most flavorful as well. A sous-vide is generally how this is done.

  4. Whatever cut you want, cooked they way enjoy it, and the seasoning and sides you prefer. Me personally? Ribeye, med rare, super simple seasonings and let the speak speak for itself, some gooooood baked filled potatoes, and some great scotch.

    And as always, good company

  5. I’m pretty solidly in the medium rare camp, but to be honest, I’ve had them from blue to well done and never really had one I didn’t like.

    The cut matters to me more than the preparation.

    I’ll take a top sirloin any way it’s made.

  6. The only proper response is well done. However I often find the majority of people who hate well done steaks don’t actually know what a properly cooked well done steak is. There is a difference between well done and burnt. Most steakhouses also don’t know how to properly cook a well-done steak. The problem is that most restaurants have a set ticket time that they have to push out food in a reasonable amount of time. So if you have less time to cook you have to use more heat to quickly cut down on how much cooking time. When this happens well done steaks get burnt and dried out and they’re nasty as fuck that way. A properly well done steak should take 45 minutes to an hour, have very little crusting, no pink on the inside, and very juicy. A properly well done steak is seared on a open flame grill for a few minutes, and then finished inside a broiler similar to how a prime rib is cooked. That way it completely finishes and is juicy.

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