What was your most memorable “I’m not ready for this” moment?

  1. Dated a woman with kids. Their father was absent. I wasn’t ready to fill those shoes. It solidified my assumption that I didn’t want kids. 4 months in I had to come to terms with my original gut feelings.

  2. Combat. Once it starts happening it becomes real and you remember that you aren’t some mythological hero special ops soldier.

  3. When I saw my first born being born. Thought I was ready for it, braced for it, prepared for it. Had all ducks in a row and was set to be dad. What I wasn’t ready for is when I saw him I burst into the happiest tears of my life and all the panic I’d tried to avoid by being “ready” surfaced all at once.

  4. FIrst big job as the boss.

    It basically turns into a blur of telling people how to do things all day and just hoping that everyone knows what they are doing.

  5. Let’s see, there are so many to choose from.

    I think the most memorable was when they handed me my baby girl for the first time.

    Or facing down a live missile stuck on the launch rail with nothing but a 2.5 inch firehose.

    Or the bang of the gavel signaling the completion of my eldest daughter’s adoption.

    Or the moment of I Do getting married.

    Or the instant when a knife 🔪 hit me in the chest at 70mph.

    So hard to choose. Never know what life is going to throw at you.

  6. dating. i put up my online profile every 30-90 days but immediately delete after a week. i get a lot of swipes that match but i know i can’t offer them anything and they will leave my ass.

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