I have a few close friends only a few of the friends I have are even friends with each other. I’ve struggled to make new connections in community college everyone does I think they already have friends and they’re just like “I don’t want to make new ones” I have 5 classes and only one of them are there 2 people that talk to each other. People who don’t want to socialize with anyone probably don’t want anyone approaching them. I have family I spend with family go to the movies with family. I don’t hangout with them all the time and I still feel like I’m missing out.

1 comment
  1. My father was a bad person. I know trauma and people who don’t believe you or abusers but seriously there has to be someone a little nephew, cousin, auntie? There has to be someone in your family who believes what ever story you have even if it’s the in laws! Unless an in-law caused the abuse then maybe it’s just family.

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