What are your experiences and insights on gender equality and the challenges women face in the workplace and society?

  1. In my old country it felt scary being a woman, I had issues everywhere I worked, was harassed a lot, people didn’t take me seriously, it was not a fun place to be a woman, and it really opened my eyes to how shitty being a female can actually be in the adult world

    When I left my old country to a new place where anti-sexism laws are a lot more enforced I still noticed it but it wasn’t as bad

    I think it’s still a pretty big deal today how poorly women can be treated in the workplace and in society but it 100% depends on where you live in the world, some places there is barely any sexism, whereas other places women are seen as objects.

  2. i’m just starting my work but i already see that the guys for some reason have a higher wage than the girls even though their work time and responsibilities are absolutely the same…

    maybe that’s not the best place to work at but it was the only one i could find after a month of searching, i can’t afford to look for something else currently

  3. I’m studying for my master’s degree right now, and I can’t say I saw any difference in the academic field. Male and female students are treated equally. The one and only difference is that, to my knowledge, only female students get sexually harassed by professors or people who work at the university. The other side of this coin is that female students only will approach their male teachers and try to gain their favors by smiling acting all amazed and innocent and trying to use attraction to please the teachers whilst male students will form cordial relationships with teachers if they want their favors, shake their hands and befriend them.

  4. My sister is an med intern and I was pretty shocked when she told me their attending came into the room where interns stay when they’re not working and said, and I quote : “this room is filled with girls, but none of you took the time to clean and tidy up?”. The attending is a woman.

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