I [M24] have been dating her [F24] for about 7 months now. Just to note, she has no social media and our only form of contact was text.

Over Christmas she went back to her original city to be with her family, and when she came back, she sent me a text saying she had decided she was going to move back to her city, wasn’t looking for long distance, and that we would be ending things here.

I wrote back wishing her the best and that I’d really miss her, and she only “liked” my message. I took that as a “ok now move on” so I just deleted her number.

I woke up the next day and felt a bit of panic about how I really can’t contact her again, 7 months is a long time and it hurts that things were just ended over one text and we’re never going to speak again.

I realised we had each others’ email addresses because months ago we emailed each other some essays from our uni days.

I immediately sent her a lengthy email (it was a work email) asking if she’d like to spend some time before she goes. She didn’t reply so I sent a follow up saying that it hurt to be ignored but I understand, and apologised if there was any fault on my part that swayed her choice.

She then texted back ANGRY as hell that I emailed her such personal things to her work email, and said I could have just asked for her number, which is true. I don’t know why I didn’t just do that. I guess I just panicked a little, which was out of character because I’m normally very stoic, relaxed, and take an “it is what it is” approach to things.

I apologised and said I’d give her space and take a step back myself. I feel like a complete idiot for this, I’m sad that she’s leaving, and it hurts that she doesn’t seem to want to stay in contact before she leaves.

1 comment
  1. Wait was your only form of communication like an online dating app texting after *7 months*? I mean why wouldn’t you have her number at that point? I mean this is all pretty ice cold. Anyways just gotta move on, it’ll suck for a bit.

    And yeah, don’t send it to a work email.

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