So it’s been 5 years since I last made a friend. I’m 15f and a sophomore and I just got over my social anxiety and I feel more confident. Now I am planning on making some friends. However, now that I’m in my second year everyone already has friends and no one is alone except me. I have no clue how to approach someone because everyone is talking in groups and I cannot stand talking to multiple people at once. I also have no idea what to talk about or what others like. The only people I talk to is my parents and sometimes I ft my cousin. However, I read online that i should find common hobbies with others so I learned a bunch of hobbies with my free time such as photoshop, do studios, violin, boxing, gaming, crypto mining, coding and I’m starting to make social media shorts. I also read that I should dress more trendy but I have no money for clothes and I literally get all my clothes from whatever my grandpa buys from Costco also my mom says they don’t wanna buy me any more clothes. Ive also been trying to make myself more interesting by getting into politics, philosophy and heavy metal. My cousin gave me some advice that I should become a more funny person and I learned how to make jokes in conversations. I’ve also been reading books about social engineering. I managed to make some friends last year but my anxiety was so bad that my hands would shake everyone time I was around them. We also had no idea what to talk about because none of them had hobbies except this one girl who played tennis and she also like video games. We did play together online but when we would have conversations while trying to play it just kinda wondered off. We kind of all drifted apart due to my anxiety and I don’t blame them. But now I changed and I wanna make friends.

1 comment
  1. A great way to deal with anxiety is to just talk with ppl more and force urself out of ur comfort zone. If ur not comfortable with talking with multiple ppl at once do it nonetheless. You’ll get used to it.

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