Are there any tips or tricks to remember the names of people you just casually meet?

  1. Part of it is being in a relaxed mind state.
    The other thing you can do is remembering a quality of a person’s personality or appear and use the first letter of that word to associate with that person.

    Or saying the person’s name out loud once you’ve finished the interaction with them and you’re alone.

  2. I’m good at this . I find that when I am introducing my own name I forget the one they just gave me . My tip is to repeat the name back to them.” Hi my names George”, “oh hi George, I’m Dan”

  3. I associate their name with a famous person name and make a mental note I don’t say this to them just in my mind I do it.

  4. There are a couple of things that I do.

    When I went back to full-time study at 50, I wanted to learn all my classmates names.

    On the first day, the teacher had us all introduced ourselves. And we had to say a few things about ourselves. As each person spoke, I wrote down a few words.

    DIANE : blue hair, loves turtles

    Jane : Irish, has 25 cats.

    Because I find that I can remember the odd things, but not the names. So would glance at my list whenever they spoke, until I didn’t need to any more.

    If I am meeting someone for the first time, I try to use their name a few times.

    Often I will then realise that I have totally forgotten it, at which time I simply say “I’m sorry, I’ve just realised that your name has totally gone from my head, they will then repeat it, we will laugh, I will remember it then.

  5. Repeat it out loud when they say it. When I leave my first conversation with someone, I try to remember the name again. If I don’t, I ask them “what was your name again”, if I do, I repeat it in my head, and try to engage with the name. Did they give a nickname, what must their full name be? Does it match anything I know about their background or character?

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