I’ve always been a bit sceptic about astrology and things like that. I feel like you can say something like “you are very self-critical” to someone and 99% of the time people will relate to this.

I shared that I am interested in a guy and not sure if I should ask him out to a close friend. She made a big fuss about hearing about said potential interest for the first time and since I know she’s really into astrology and tarot cards and everything mythical, I jokingly, told her his birthday. I was expecting a lecture about his sign not being compatible with mine, etc, and mentally prepared to be roasted.

However, my friend got very interested and pulled up his natal (is that correct?) chart and started describing his character traits that should be impossible for her to know, as I’ve never actually mentioned anything about him to her. She opens my chart and starts comparing (I, again, jokingly suggested she does that, expecting them to be totally different and incompatible) and gets so hyped about me and potential interest being a great match, well compatible, having similar birth charts and the interest being two-sided.

I’m still taking everything said in that conversation with a grain of salt, but I was wondering what everyone else’s take is on this matter, in general?

***TLDR: The title.***

  1. I think its silly and I’ve had people flirt with me by doing tarot readings and such but my commitment to respecting other people is deeper than my commitment to winning argument points so I tend to just kind of go with the flow. Like ultimately your friend is trying to encourage you to be bold, which is fair, and she could have come at that from a million other angles but this is the one she chose and its not bad. But like I said, overall I think its kind of silly. There’s value in getting out of being methodical, in shaking up your usual ways of thinking and putting some chaos into your patterns as a method of checking priors, but a DnD random encounter table is as good as a deck of tarot cards to me (the latter probably has better art tho).

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