Growing up with strict parents who didn’t allow me to go out often has had a significant impact on my social skills. Despite my love for connecting with others, I find myself struggling with communication and shyness when interacting with people who are not very close to me.

However, I have realized that those who are close to me find me interesting as I have a lot of stories and insights to share.

I have noticed that when in a group of people who are not very close, I tend to sit and listen rather than actively participating in the conversation.

I recently had the opportunity to serve as a guest lecturer at an academy and I noticed that I performed with great confidence while teaching the students I struggled when it came to communicating with the staff and employees.

I am determined to improve my social skills and would like to know what steps I can take to achieve this. Should I consider visiting a therapist or taking courses to help me overcome my shyness and improve my communication skills?

PS: I am 21 M and currently work as a freelancer.

1 comment
  1. I am exactly the same way and this definitely comes with age and maturity but I’m 31 now and I used to be terribly shy as well. The truth of the matter is you will only get more social with practice which means leaving your comfort zone and going out and doing it. There is no coaching or magic technique to be taught.

    I’m working on that to this day but I can say that what helped me tremendously was realizing that most people don’t really care if you aren’t saying the perfect thing or aren’t super social. Most people are shy too and don’t mind talking with a friendly person for a bit.

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