What are some nice conversation starters?
And how to get a conversation keep going?

  1. ask about their hobbies. Stay away from what they do from work unless it seems like they’re passionate about it.

  2. Start broad with topics that can give you insights into who they are, and what they might be interested in talking about at length like hobbies, interests, family, etc. To keep the conversation, you can try to keep asking questions. Listen intently to learn about what they’re saying. Pick up on what they’re saying and mentally note anything that they say that you want more information on, or want them to expand on, and keep asking questions. But also interject with your own thoughts and perspectives so it doesn’t become an interview, and it’ll allow them to do the same to you.

  3. I stare at her boobs until something starts,to register. We only come up with dialogue to distract we are staying at boobs

  4. “Question and Answer is the lowest form of conversation”

    It’s a skill to talk to people without interrogating them. This is why people sometimes think Americans are rude. Because having just met you, it’s one question after another.

    Try to see if you can talk to someone without asking them any direct questions. If you are in the same place and time, you are the closest humans at that moment. That’s a connection. Just engage your shared humanity.

    It’s a lot of work and effort, and it requires you to really invest emotionally in them. But they will always remember/appreciate your conversation.

    What I do is to talk about a topic that I can see would engage them, then give them an opportunity to respond, engage back. Then we’re talking about something, not lobbing questions at each other. Many people love to talk about things they know well, sometimes, themselves. So you then listen more than you talk, and let the conversation go where it will.

  5. Unusually start with what a crazy day it’s been…feels like Monday all day…can’t wait for the weekend. Any plans?

  6. ask them. about everything…people do love to talk about themselves if you give them a chance.

    i always ask if they are native to the area or moved there…either way they answer a conversation will follow.

    just remember to follow questions with answers and more questions.

  7. Most people conduct conversations by waiting for their turn to talk and then saying random things that have nothing to do with the information the other person just told them, that’s maybe tangentially relevant.

    How normal people have a conversation, especially zoomers with no social skill because Instagram exists:

    *”Hi. I saw you are eating salad. I love salad”*

    *”I eat salad because I have a vegetable garden”*

    *”I should eat more salads”*

    *”I watched a thing on netflix that sad salad isn’t actually that good for you because people put unhealthy sauces on it”*

    *”I should cancel my netflix subscription. I can’t find anything good on it”.*

    *”I can’t cancel mine, I love having it on in the background”.*

    **^ This is a garbage conversation.** This is how most of you weirdos talk, lol.

    If you simply turn all information people provide you into a question, you will receive +100 to charisma.

    *”Hi, I saw you are eating salad. Where did you get it from?”*

    *”I eat salad because I have a vegetable garden”*

    *”Oh, interesting. When did you get into vegetables gardening…?”*

    *”I do it with my dad. He loves it. We do it together”*

    *”Wow, what do you guys grow? Do you have any tips?”*

    **^ This is a far more engaging conversation about a relatively boring topic that you could easily Google, but will make people enjoy your company**

  8. What amuses you in that particular moment you are in. As long as you are engaged in what you are speaking about the other will be too if they are mirroring your energy

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