Currently trying to fix my sleep schedule, and the consequences of that was getting 4 hours of sleep last night and nothing more

Hoping I’ll be dead enough tonight to stay asleep for 8 hours, but figured I’d ask someone here what they do when they need to change theirs around for work or whatever other reason

  1. My life in a nutshell. 8 hours are for rookies! You need to get those numbers up! For the longest time I worked rotating 12 hour shifts. 2 days-2 off- 3 nights- 2 off- 2 days – 3 off, etc. Week after week of spinning sleep around, now I work 12 hour nights only but on my days off I still need to get things done during the day.

    Here is what I do. I get home from work on ym weekend and stay up as long as possible doing things but avoid traveling anywhere when tired, then crash and sleep until I naturally wake up. With any luck it’s 5 or 6am. Then the day (2nd off) is mine to take. Go to sleep for 4 hours in the evening, wake up at 10-11pm, stay awake until 9AM, sleep until 5 then off to work for 7.

    As a rule it’s easier to stay up later and wake up later than wake up earlier. Rotate your clock ahead rather than back.

  2. Not work, just insomnia. Sometimes I get 5 hours of sleep, sometimes I get 20 minutes. Adapted by learning to run on fumes.

  3. Its really hard, because your sleep schedule is based on patterns, not how tired you are. The only method that has much clinical validation, without using medication, is to slowly shift your bedtime by 5-10 minutes oer day over a period of weeks, but this really isn’t possible if your work schedule changes frequently.

  4. Tired all the time but I have a job I’m happy to wake up and go to every day with excellent benefits. I just fold down the back seats in my car, throw some blankets and a pillow back there and sleep on my breaks.

  5. Drugs. During deployments with rotating schedules you just learn to sleep and take pills when needed. Live life better though chemistry.

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