What has been the lowest point of your life and how did you overcome it?

  1. Right now. Homeless (though I do have a place to stay for the next couple of weeks) and having zero luck getting a job.

  2. Ending up in the ICU after a suicide attempt and then later at an inpatient mental health facility. The first part of all that is kinda hazy, and I can’t remember it well, but I remember the second part very well. I just overcame it by counting down the days and hours until they would finally release me.

  3. Three years ago I had 3 people die in one year, lost my job and got diagnosed with a thyroid disease. I ended up developing a alcohol problem to cope. I decided I couldn’t live like that anymore so I went to therapy, allowed myself to feel the grief, started journaling and practicing mindfulness, I quit drinking and prioritized my healing process

  4. Begining of Covid,in a new city after a break up add troubles at work. I was drowning alive.

  5. When I attempted suicide and slipped into depression. My parents were supposed to be on my side trying to make me feel better instead they made it worse. They thought I was doing it for attention.

    Walking away from my parents permanently and getting therapy was the best outcome.

  6. After leaving an abusive ex husband with a 6 month old baby (he stalked me too), my family was mad that I left the marriage and I had no one. I thought about just ending my life, but then I looked into my little girl’s eyes and knew I could never leave her. I’m ashamed to say that I intentionally dated a few unsavory people just so I could have a place to stay and car to get to work, etc. I eventually got a better paying job, less expensive daycare, bought a house, stayed at the same job even though I wasn’t entirely happy, put the kid through college, quadrupled (at least) my income (still same job) and just had an inground pool put in. I no longer live paycheck to paycheck, my daughter graduated college on the Dean’s list every semester, and I have a competent partner. Live can get better – hang in there

  7. Right now. I’m not going to overcome it. I use Reddit to keep from thinking too much about it.

  8. Recovery after being hit by two drunk drivers was definitely the darkest time in my life. I’m a very active person who enjoys hiking, cheerleading, dancing, etc and also very independent. Having to lose my independence and my ability to active was rough. I guess wanting to be the person I was before the accident was the motivation I needed to push myself through and put in the work with physical therapy and mental health therapy. Also, my pup, Bali. I got him during my recovery to have something or someone else to focus on and I don’t think I’d be where I am today without him.

  9. At my lowest point, I went from being on top of the world, could run 5 miles under 10 minutes per mile, had decent savings, just leaving the military and on my way to college.

    Then I was in a house fire.

    I was in constant physical pain, had almost zero lung capacity, my mind was screwy with, my savings were gone instantly, my friends all left back out on deployment, and I was quickly developing an addiction to painkillers.

    I was real low. And I stayed there for months. I crashed at a friend’s house who had gone out to sea with the Navy, but I was alone. I gave up in so many ways.

    Then I said fuck this and picked myself back up. I found a boyfriend who loved me at my lowest, and he helped me get back on my feet. I reached out to people. I found myself again and welcome her back into being me. I had to make a new me to some extent due to the level I was shattered, but I did it. It took a lot of grit and telling the voices in my head that wanted me to quit to fuck off and pulling myself ahead anyway.

  10. The suicidal thoughts. I’ve been having them for about six years now. I’m managing to stay alive because I’ve seen how much suicide affects people close to the victim and I don’t wanna hurt anyone (and honestly also because I’m still scared of dying), but I wouldn’t call it overcoming.

  11. Graduated college completely burned out to the point I was passing out and having stress seizures, I was deeply suicidal and stashing stolen pain killers to kill myself with, and then my bf died unexpectedly the day before I was supposed to move in with him. I was extremely not okay.

    Recovering has been long and slow :(. I basically haven’t worked since 2019 (thanks to my now fiancé and my parents). I went from incredibly high functioning, future oriented, amazing at planning and careers, etc – to leaving my apartment one a week max.

    But recovery is happening even if it’s slow – for the first time since college I’ve started planning career moves again and started studying an hour or two a day. Three years ago even that little bit would’ve sent me into a suicidal-crying-panicked-freak out because any kind of work started triggering a full fledged panic attack after burning out.

    Tbh I’m happier now then I’ve ever been – I just can’t do much. But I ruined my physical and mental health before via stress and I don’t want to make the same mistake twice lol!

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