Men, when you are getting over something traumatic what do you do? What is going through your head? How do you “get over it”?

  1. You don’t.

    You slowly learn to live with the situation. It happened. There’s nothing you can change about it. You learned a lesson, something invaluable that nobody can take away from you. Maybe you’ll regret it, maybe you’ll hate yourself, maybe you’ll feel unquenchable guilt. The only real solution is time and eventually it will become less potent.

    Be kind to yourself and take time to process the situation. Meditate to clear your mind or journal your thoughts as they come out and think about how they are just that, fleeting thoughts. It is important to remember that you perceive yourself differently than others do despite what your mind may tell you.

    Good luck my friend.

  2. I cry. A good cry is always a good way to clear my head and then i can think clearly and sort out problems really fast

  3. Compartmentalize. Isn’t a guarantee that it will stay locked up. I had a repressed feeling surface all from hearing a song on the radio.

  4. Maybe because I’m trying to study mental health, i tend to use the word “traumatic” pretty sparsely. I think it was traumatic when I learned my sister died in a car accident.

    I felt alot of emotions at the time. It took a few days to return to a sense of peace again. I felt hurt for years. Still hurts now, but less. I think all of my thoughts blended into each other, making it nearly impossible to separate any individual idea.

    The day after I was told the news, I went for a walk for a few hours. I know walking helps me clear my mind and I was correct. Once I was able to articulate myself again, I talked to my brother and just kind of continue to live.

  5. A trauma isn’t just something you experienced. It’s something you experienced and didn’t talk about. Didn’t explain or integrate.

    Talk about it. With a professional if it’s necessary.

    It doesn’t have to become a trauma.

  6. I cry for few seconds and calm myself down and do something to distract myself like play Skyrim or cook

  7. Why would I let something traumatic bother me. Everybody dies in life, should never let fear control you.

  8. It’s not healthy to do but it works for me.

    1. Many people are having worse the me or there are people having more difficult life than be.

    2. What’s done is done so better look forward and keep going than thinking about it

    3. Ignorance and pretending.

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