I enjoy giving my spouse blowjobs a lot. He’s a very clean man, and his penis is always clean, and never smelly or anything like that.

Anyways. I was giving him a blowjob the other night and the natural smell of it started grossing me out (this is how it always has smelled and never bothered me before).
I was barely able to give the blowjob over how much it was grossing me out. Even now while typing this out and thinking about the smell and taste of his penis is disgusting me.
It didn’t smell or taste any different and it’s never bothered me before but it grossed me out a LOT out of nowhere.
Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know what would cause this sudden disgust?

Edited update: I am not pregnant

  1. I can only think of two possibilities. Either he ate something like spicy food that caused the change in smell, or you may have developed an allergy.

  2. Have you had COVID? I’ve heard of many people developing smell aversions as a result.

  3. Hormone changes can sometimes change how we smell or taste, among other things. It may be worth it to see a doctor about this to make sure there is nothing more going on. Is there a possibility you could be pregnant?

  4. Can you by any chance be pregnant? I’ve heard it can turn your preferences for everything upside down overnight.

  5. A few possible culprits:

    1. Pregnancy or other things that specifically disrupt your hormone balance

    2. Maybe some molecular component of the smell has been encountered elsewhere in a context that resulted in an aversion/disgust response in your brain and now the association is there? The olfactory sense is one of our most powerful and a lot goes on at a subconscious level there. I once got salmonella from a piece of pie but for years afterward I got nausea from the smell of steamed crab (which was part of the same meal) just because it was merely associated with the incident. That aversion took a while to reprogram.

    3. Long shot: Maybe your gut microbiome has changed in ways that affect the profile of what you are attracted to or repulsed by? Usually such shifts occur slowly over time but could be sudden and dramatic if for example you were taking a course of strong antibiotics.

    Keep us posted!

  6. I notice that depending on where I am in my cycle, certain things I typically wouldn’t even be able to smell are SO strong and make me nauseous.

  7. Is there a chance you’re pregnant? This happened to me early pregnancy both times I’ve been pregnant. It does get better and go away/back to normal though.

  8. I know others have said maybe pregnant? Please update us!

    I absolutely HATED the smell of cheese in my first few months of pregnancy. Took me totally by surprise, was cooking dinner and suddenly just had to run away and puke.

  9. Came here to say sounds like pregnancy but apparently that’s the group consensus lol so add another +1 for me!

  10. Either pregnancy or it could be a different hormonal thing reaction. I love certain fruit but around my time of the month the smell makes me nauseous x

  11. As soon as I read this I thought, pregnant! Curious to know if we are all right or wrong lol

  12. I don’t know how old you are, but menopause has given me the nose of a bloodhound 😂

  13. I’m just here for the update… are you pregnant? We are all invested now… we need to know 😂😂

  14. People are saying pregnant which is definitely possible! Also wanted to mention that when you’re taking bcps, or suddenly stop taking them, it can make you attractive to different people and it can also make you attracted to different people. I assume this also means that you can stop being attracted to someone!

    If you end up not being pregnant, and you haven’t recently changed birth control pills then it could just be a shift in hormones for another reason. Seems likely hormonal no matter what though:)

  15. A friend of mine loooooves giving head and has basically since she started giving them. That changed the second she was pregnant.

  16. its funny about how this whole thread thinks you are pregnant. If it’s negative try using Sliquid flavored lube next time you go down on him, it’ll pair the action with a better taste, then you lose the aversion.

  17. Lol you have so many people you’ve never met waiting to find out if you’re pregnant. Life in the 21st century is interesting.

  18. I didn’t read all the responses here, but has anyone recently had CoVID? It can definitely mess with your body’s Ph for a time. I personally can confirm that some people get extra sensitive to taste and smells right after a recent infection. Things I wouldn’t normally be able to smell or things no one else smells, I can smell them from the next room.

    If it persists, talk to him and possibly consider visiting the doctor. Hopefully it’s something only temporary and it’s nothing that a good hand job can’t substitute.

  19. Maybe your coming down with the flu or something. I had a similar experience and figured it was because I was in the early stages of a cold and jumped straight back in once recovered and had no issues.

  20. This happened to me when I was pregnant. Sometimes I still get flashbacks and feel physically sick 🥴

  21. Commenting only so I remember to come back and check if you are, indeed, pregnant. Best of luck, OP.

  22. Sounds like you need two tests, a pregnancy test & a covid test. Time to hit up the pharmacy.

  23. If you end up being pregnant this will be one of the most legendary ways to find out 😂

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