How much cyber privacy should a man expect from his significant other?

  1. You should expect privacy, but you should also treat your relationship as something where a reasonable person doesn’t feel the push to violate that privacy. Crazies gonna crazy, but reasonable people should be able to trust each other.

    Like, my wife and I both know each other’s phone lock codes, but neither of us have ever gone checking. If you or your partner are mandating access or snooping because of lack of trust, the issue isn’t actually the privacy.

  2. Depends on the couple but I argue that hiding things is NOT a good idea if you want the relationship to last.

  3. As much as you want. If you don’t feel comfortable with how much access your partner wants, or they don’t feel comfortable with how little you share, maybe you’re just not meant for each other.

  4. I think it’s important to be able to access each other’s online content so you can build trust and show you aren’t hiding anything. Also in case something happens to you and they need access it’s important they have it. If your not giving them any reason look at it they probably won’t anyway. However if they are trying to micromanage your online life that’s a relationship problem.

  5. She and I have a basic understanding. Everyone is entitled to have their privacy and secrets, as long as they’re not something that is harmful/hurtful to the other that would threaten our relationship or the trust or self worth of the other if they found out. Being able to have space is good. Having to hide something from your SO because it would genuinely upset them to know you were doing it is not.

    But she and I also don’t feel the need to keep anything private, because there is an inherent trust and openness there.

    Basically, it’s the understanding that we have the right to privacy within reason, but neither of us have really cared to exercise it.

  6. As much or as little as you want. Set a boundary you’re comfortable with, and enforce it.

    Personally, I don’t want my partner ever going through my phone. I don’t “have anything to hide” but sometimes my friends will message me something in confidence, and it is critical that I can be trusted fully. Sometimes I like going to weird websites I don’t feel like explaining. Basically I don’t want to live my life through the lens of how everything I do will look to some chick who lets me suck on her titties

  7. To be straight up never even thought about it so I guess I expect none? I don’t give a shit what she sees. Don’t have anything to hide tho and if anything bothers her we can address it

  8. You can look through my stuff if i can look through yours. It works both ways. But im not going to deal with some insecure lady that wants to do that ALL the time andbstart arguments.

  9. Personally speaking, none. There is no need for it with my fiance.

    I have an unlock pattern on my phone, which is exactly the same as hers.

    She’s free to open up my phone, pull up messenger, and lose all illusion of me being a mature adult if she wants to.

    She won’t even find old chats I had with other girls I was seeing before her because I deleted them all. No old nudes, all gone. No accounts on dating sites, all deleted.

    She’s free to look at the bottomless pit of programming memes and photos of our cats.

    Life is so much easier when you’re honest and act with integrity.

  10. All of it. My wife doesn’t go through my stuff and I don’t go through hers. I have nothing to hide, but trust is important.

  11. If my girl goes over my phone and finds pictures of women that I like, that’s on her. I’m not explaining myself.

  12. Do you have a penis or no? If they do not, *do not expect them to respect your privacy. If you do, you will be hurt and disappointed.* I have been friends with women, I have dealt with them most of my life, I made the mistake of dating them and *proposing to one*, and I have met *one* that was capable of respecting privacy. **One.**

    All of them would make comments about “snooping”, and justify it with “I know it’s wrong, but-“, “but he might be cheating 🙁 “, or “We’re dating it’s fine.” I’m confident saying *women do not respect the privacy of their partners* as a hard-and-fast rule, with the occassional exception.

    >But my (x) doesn’t-

    Either you don’t notice it or she doesn’t do it while you’re looking.

    I had to fix this problem by leaving piles and piles of the most fucked-up shit I could find on Liveleak in folders labeled “ex 1” “ex 2” “trip <3”. Not porn, but combat footage, ER photographs, industrial accidents, you name it, if it contained at least one exposed bone it went in.

  13. If she doesn’t want to watch porn with you, then she should have zero interest in anything you do online. Period. No exceptions to this.

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