Thoughts on is this a red flag? Your experience?

Sure makes me feel like shi-

  1. Red flag! He’s showing his true colors. Take the opportunity and get out now. Many people don’t see the signs this early.

  2. Red flag. On the first date, I had a guy talk about how drunk he was one night. He passed out and when he woke up, his dick was out and 3 girls had had sex with him. He didn’t remember it, but his friends had filmed it and he was laughing about how funny it was and talking to me, an introvert with only one previous (long distance) relationship, as if it was so awesome and was bragging about it. He was laughing about how “so much shit goes on” when he’s drunk.

    I hate saying the word ick but yeah… gave me the ick.

  3. If that is the only topic of conversation that these men can think of to bring up then I wonder why are you asking?

    If that is how you feel then trust yourself and move on.

  4. I would not even call this a red flag. Plenty of people lead a lifestyle like that, it’s up to you whether you want any part of it or not.

  5. I am a man .. i love strip clubs , amd watching girls dance , its my guilty pleasure.. but when it comes to real sex , i am monogamous and had full integrity with my partners.. its just a way to chill and make eyes happy and may be going together and have some thrill ..

    But yes, few girls may not like it .. they may not want their partner to even look somewhere else ..

    So there is no right or wrong answer to it..

    I am monogamous but i love when my dates come to strip club and hoot and enjoy ..

  6. The guy I thought was serious with me is seeing other women, note “women”. I thought I was special to him. He took me out on a dinner for my birthday but it wasn’t anything special. Last night, he called me telling me about how he had a date with a girl and came over to his place, they were watching movie then another girl came in to his place and ask him to be her bf. I don’t buy it, but it could be possible since he’s bragging a lot about his dating apps matches.

    Anyway, I blocked his ass and never talk to him again. It’s delirious how my friendship mean so little to him. I thought we had a meaningful connection.

  7. As a guy my experience of guys like this is they are either super inexperienced and what happened happened literally one time

    Or, sadly more common in my experience…

    They’re deeply insecure in themselves and they say shit like this to artificially inflate their perceived value whilst simultaneously making you question your own.

  8. They ain’t red flags it’s a life. Red flag has to be on relationship or want relationship. They are having fun , people they meet are fun girls.

  9. I have a friend like that, i stopped going clubbing with him cause his brain only goes the let’s get laid direction and I’m pretty much over that stage of my life.

    If someone can’t keep themselves from talking about strip clubs in the first date they are probably have a lot of maturing to go yet.

  10. Depends on context.. is he a bouncer, or a consumer? Really into hip hop? Just had an experience he can’t shake or does he wish he could partake?

  11. Could it be that he’s insecure and wants you to think he’s cool?

    I mean….you obviously like him enough to maybe look past it.

    Can you just say, hey bud, can we talk about something else, and maybe save those stories for another day?

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