How often do you find “special connections” with women?

  1. Romantic connection?:Infinitely more often than with men.

    Non-romantic “special connections” with women?: Extremely rarely, most women I know don’t share my passions.

  2. I think most of y’all overthink when it comes to women. Work on your interpersonal communication skills. Simple conversations are easy to start. Often times people will mention something about themselves, at that point ask more questions about that topic. If you have a decent sense of humor, make them laugh, listen and laid back you can connect with anyone. Not just romantically.

  3. Almost never, it’s extremely rare. I can say it’s happened maybe twice in the last 4 years

  4. Very rarely. Once in the last ten years, and that may have not held up if we had gotten to know each other better.

  5. Post-18yo me had a girl like that every 3 years or something like it. Didn’t go past the talking stage though.

  6. I would say I find them even more with women than men. I think a lot of the time it’s a combination of sexual attraction plus wanting their love and attention lmao so I try to find connection. Not the most mature thing but that’s how I am a lot of the times. But I also made real good friends with some girls that I was forced to be close with 😅 like at work and trainings. It’s relationship on human level in these cases so gender doesn’t really matter since I don’t want anything from them.

  7. Extremely rarely. I find them physically attractive way more than I actually have meaningful connections. But I don’t really connect with people in general. So that’s not really saying much (about women). I’m working on it.

  8. Rarely.

    Even if I date them, there has to be something that hits me fundamentally inside to feel that. I

  9. The last time I thought I had a special connection with a woman was about 7 years ago. Even that was a façade. It taught me a valuable lesson about vulnerability and trust. But I haven’t had a special connection with women since.

  10. Pretty often…. But they are all different…. That is what makes them “special.”

    I could really hit it off with an interesting woman at the airport… And then immediately get on a flight and never think about her again.

    There is no “one.” There are just interesting people and the history you have with them. It is that history together that makes you closer and the value it adds is real.

  11. I didn’t understand what a “special connection” was until I’d dated basically nothing but the wrong people for eleven years. I met someone when I was 28 who I think was only sent into my life with the purpose of showing me what a happy relationship is supposed to feel like. I didn’t know what it was like to be vulnerable and emotionally close with someone until her. Ending that was one of the most painful lessons of my life but we’d agreed to just be FWB. I stopped chasing after the wrong people after that because those kinds of superficial relationships simply weren’t good enough for me anymore. It’s been a little lonelier since but I certainly attract the right people now.

  12. Frequently, but eventually those relationships get too complicated. I need to stop before it gets to that point.

  13. “special connections”?

    You mean romantically?



    A few times.

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