So I (19F) have been sleeping with a guy (19f) and the last time I let him know after that I couldn’t find my underwear. We looked but since we were just at my house, I let him leave and I kept looking. I couldn’t find them anywhere, so I kind of gave up and decided the method would just be to keep an eye out. Me and this guy have some mutual friends, and yesterday I let them know that I couldn’t find my underwear and one responded with “oh yeah he found them”
Now I don’t know what to do. It’s not like he’s my boyfriend so it’s really weird to me that he’s just keeping my underwear, and weirder that he didn’t tell me that he had found them. I kind of want them back but I don’t wanna come off as rude because despite the fact that I think its strange, I would definitely sleep with him again. Do I just let this guy keep my underwear?

  1. It’s not the fact he took them, if that doesn’t bother you then whatever…it’s the fact he lied and continued to lie about it that is throwing up a red flag.

  2. The dude lied. Time to find another fish in the sea that doesn’t steal your underwear and lie about it.

  3. Be honest, tell him you want them, tell him not to do it again if it bothered you.

  4. Did he lie to you, or has he just not mentioned that he found them yet? I use to like to keep the missing underwear once I found it, if they ever wanted it back then I’d give it back to them, or use it as in excuse to see them again.

  5. Fucked up stealing panties. He should have asked you. I would demand he give me my property back, tell him if he asked there would have been no problem but now he fucked up and I would not see him again.

  6. Call him out on it for sure and get them back. Let him know how you feel. Keep sleeping with him if you want to. Maybe gift him a pair at some point if you’d like. I’m sure he’d appreciate it

  7. As a man that enjoys having a pair of the woman he’s sleeping with’s panties, I can attest that the correct behaviour is to ask before taking! But he is young and probably hasn’t developed the courage to ask you. He should have asked and if it doesn’t bother you that he has them you should tell him that next time he should just ask and youd be happy to oblige but you dont appreciate the stealing

  8. What’s a red flag is that he told other people but not u so people around u know things now that he isn’t informing you that he’s talkin to them about i feel like he’s one of those guys who will act like ur just a easy fuck and is keeping your underwear do show that he’s already had u , been there done that. To seem cool to people that he knows

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