I like sex and basically I can’t say “no”. I’m a woman in my late 20ties.

Little explanation: It doesn’t mean I have sex with ANYONE but if I’m alone with a person I like (that’s the important part, I can’t sleep with someone I can’t talk to/ have fun with) I just can’t say no.

In general I don’t regret it. I’d rather have “any” sex than not have sex at all. But lots of times I was sure I wasn’t gonna fuck with someone but they proved me wrong. It’s not like I didn’t want it, I did. I just didn’t want to fuck up our friendship since I don’t want to be in a relationship. 99% of them end up wanting to date me and they aren’t satisfied with fwb situation. That’s why I try to not have sex with my friends/ people who could be my friends and I’m seeking only one night stands.

Well, “I try”. I had sex with most guys I know.

Funfact: Only one time in my life I had what can be called “bad sex”. It really was awful, I hooked up with my online friend. And yet we had sex again. Like I wasn’t excited for it at all but since he initiated it, I figured “why not, I’d rather have shitty sex than not have sex at all

I don’t have any problem with my lifestyle. But the more I am reading this sub… I wonder if I should? So many posts about boundaries, dating before sex, discussing everything… Like is there something wrong with me? Nobody forces me to anything, I just like sex way more than I care about my social life

  1. You do you. There’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing but I’d want to have my eyes open about why. Are you hypersexual? Do you use sex as a way to feel self worth? These are important questions to ask yourself. This is risky sexual behaviour and if you’re increasing your risk of pregnancy and STIs you should have a good long think about why.and make sure those reasons are healthy.

    If your answer is “I’m just randy” then it’s simple as that.

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