I watched a few academic lectures on soft skills, viewed videos on YouTube, and also read in a book how listening is a valuable skill to socialize with and comfort people. I applied those in real life, and I continued to listen. People started speaking more and being better in front of me as a result of this behavior. Later, I understood that nobody wanted to listen to what I had to say.

I felt as though my feelings were neglected. Despite this, I continued to listen because, you know, “Never give up” mindset.

However, as time progressed, I understood that most humans are as useless to our earth as weeds. I had no clue that constant lecturing was considered emotional abuse. I eventually learned how annoying it is to be continually lectured and yelled. I kept listening to them as if nothing had happened despite their lecturing and criticizing and what not. After all this, I discovered that I had suppressed my feelings, distorted my thinking, and eventually stressed myself out.

Last but not least, I want to highlight what a wonderful skill listening is. It is a tremendous talent when it comes to interviews and corporate meetings. If you really want to listen someone out, give attention to individuals who are suffering from trauma, feeling unworthy, or having their life fall apart. They must be comforted and supported; their presence is crucial.

Even if you want to interact with others and establish friends, don’t pay attention to the idiots that pose as your homies. Being a good listener requires patience, commitment, and sacrifice. Make absolutely sure your dedication and energy are directed toward those who deserve it. You run the danger of losing yourself and damaging your health if you continue to listen to everyone.

1 comment
  1. Listening is good if the people you listen to are people you want in your life, or they are in a position of authority. The rest don’t matter, they are just noise.

    It sounds like you burned yourself out, which makes sense. You became the go-to and everyone just unloaded on you. That’s unhealthy and can really hit your self esteem. You are viewed as the listener and not a friend.

    I personally find it difficult to listen, I try then add in something or agree/disagree and add in my thoughts and if they ignore me I want to punch them in the face. Like, I just heard you rant for 20 minutes on whatever and you can’t give me a few moments and a quick comment?

    I have no best friends and only a few good friends. It’s not ideal but it is better than being alone. For a long time I had no friends, but that was my fault for being shut in and not wanting to go out because I’m selfish with my time. I’m also a bad listener, but I try for the people I care about.

    Basically, be picky with your new skill, and fuck anyone who won’t reciprocate with you. You are important, just as much or more than those you listen to. We should make ourselves a priority, if we are in a good place then we can give a little of ourselves to those we care about to help them get to a good place too.

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